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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Sunshine & Lollipops seeking new members

    We are a semi-active group, we would like to have more active members join to help build us back up to where we were. Our old AM and Mage went silent a bit ago, we had leadership changed over to me, but we lost a few in the in-between. We used to get 7-8 chests weekly and 10 every steel. We...
  2. Majestic Vision is now recruiting!

    If you are looking for a laid back place to play, this is it! We are a friendly group who does fair or better trades...but if discussed prior you may post less than fair trades when in need. Tourney is optional, but encouraged-we understand Real Life comes first and that sometimes the time to do...
  3. Exodus is searching for a new member

    Hi everyone, Exodus is seeking one new member, preferably boosted in Silk as well as either Gems or Elixir. Exodus is an amazing FS...friendly, respectful, helpful and would love a new member who likes to chat, post fair trades and just play their game. We encourage the Tournament but it is not...
  4. Majestic Vision-your new home!

    We love to get active players! We are a friendly and laid back group that loves to help each other. Tourneys are not required but encouraged. We are recruiting right now for several boost combinations as we also are a great trading FS who does fair or better trades. Let me know here or in World...
  5. Exodus is in need of one member

    We are a very friendly and active group, we encourage the tourney's but it is not required....we understand that everyone has lives outside the game. We are currently in need of one active member for our FS that is boosted in Marble/Crystal/Elixir and is producing all three currently. We do fair...
  6. Looking for a new home? Exodus is now recruiting!

    Welcome to Exodus! We are currently looking for active players who do regular visits, fair trades and want to be in a fun-loving and friendly Fellowship. To ensure that everyone gets what they need during trades, we are recruiting for a balanced trade. If you are boosted in any of the following...
  7. Majestic Vision is now recruiting!

    Are you interested in a fun place to be? We are currently looking for active players who do regular visits and fair trades. We have a very friendly and laid back Fellowship. We are looking for players who have their trader up, and an interest in a fun and welcoming FS. Please either message back...
  8. Looking for a new home? Exodus is now recruiting!

    Welcome to Exodus! We are currently looking for active players who do regular visits, fair trades and want to be in a fun-loving and friendly Fellowship. To ensure that everyone gets what they need during trades, we are recruiting for a balanced trade. If you are boosted in any of the...