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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. KonTiki

    Recruiting Isle of Primes looking for 2 players

    Isle of Primes, Winyandor US2, recruiting for 2 players, planks boost preferred but not required. We are competitive-friendly, no drama, and generally rank in the top 5-10 in spire and tourney. Contact KonTiki in game.
  2. KonTiki

    Isle of Primes Seeking 2 players

    Isle of Primes, US2 Winyandor, seeking 2 active players. 15-19 Chest Tourney, Gold Spire, Active KP Swap, Friendly, Team Environment. This could be your new home! Contact Archmage KonTiki.
  3. KonTiki

    Isle of Primes looking for 2 players

    Isle of Primes looking for 1-2 full time players. We've lost a couple of players due to Real Life issues. We are a 15 to 19-chest tourney group, and gold spire every week. We occasionally go all out on FA, but we have an out for you if you don't care for FA. We have very active KP swaps and...
  4. KonTiki

    Isle of Primes RECRUITING

    Isle of Primes, Winyander US2, seeing 1-2 players, 10+ chest tourney, gold spire, AW swap threads, fair trades, friendly and fun. Contact Archmage KonTiki. Welcome to the Isles --- there's a place for everybody's play style, room for transfers when you change your emphasis, and discord server...
  5. KonTiki

    Isle of Primes Recruiting

    Isle of Primes -- US2 Winyandor Seeking 1-3 players who love spire gold and tourney bonus chests. Active KP swaps and visits. We like to chat about the game. We always finish the FA, and occasionally (not often) go for broke. Contact Archmage KonTiki. We are an alliance of multiple Isles...
  6. KonTiki

    Isle of Primes

    Isle of Primes, Winyander, US2 seeing 1-2 players who enjoy spire (gold) and tourney (10+ chests). Occasionally go all out on FA, friendly, lots of AW KP swaps, trade help when needed. Great group of people. Contact archmage (KonTiki) in game. ;-)
  7. KonTiki

    Isle of Primes, 10++chest, gold spire, US2 Winynador

    Winynador, US2, ISLE OF PRIMES: We are a 10++ chest, Gold Spire, group, and we like the FA on occasion. If you are friendly, active, and looking for a great group of players, check us out. Contact Archmage (KonTiki). We also have vacation spots if you need to take a break on occasion...
  8. KonTiki

    Summonings Inventory: Search or Sort

    Would absolutely love to be able to sort or search the summonings inventory. It has become increasingly more onerous task to look for buildings that have been stored. Thank you.
  9. KonTiki

    Isle of Primes, Isle of Promise recruiting competitive players

    The ISLES are looking for friendly & experienced players who like the competition (gold spire and 10+chests). The ISLE OF PRIMES and the ISLE OF PROMISE both require frequent visits (daily preferred), and a weekly minimum of 1600 tourney and top of spire performance. We also like the fellowship...
  10. KonTiki

    Isles of Elvenar RECRUITING

    Isle of the Chosen Mucks -- Winynador US2: Looking for active players. We are a casual play, friendly and fairly laid back group, and looking to break the 10-chest barrier with your help. Spire not required. Contact archmage DukeMoonWolf or mage Twelfen. The Isles of Elvenar is an alliance of...
  11. KonTiki

    Squad Size on Mobile -- where is it?

    Thank you BOTH!!!!! Much appreciated
  12. KonTiki

    Squad Size on Mobile -- where is it?

    How do you determine your "squad size" on mobile. It's directly reported on pc under the barracks, merc camp or training grounds. But don't see it on mobile version??
  13. KonTiki

    The Isles are looking for Youuuuu!

    Winyandor US2, Isle of Promise (new group) is recruiting for 10-chest fellowship. See archmage LC02. The Isles are Calling!!!
  14. KonTiki

    What, exactly, is the tournament formula? It's got to be here somewhere but I cannot find it???

    I used to do this as well back in the old days and before my timewarp matured ... whether it was real or not, I imagined I was getting better as the provinces ticked off because fewer and fewer troops were being lost in a given round. Psychological thrill for me. As I see your and others...
  15. KonTiki

    What, exactly, is the tournament formula? It's got to be here somewhere but I cannot find it???

    There's a lot here ... I really can't comment on much of it because I've been deliberately going slow on chapter research since the tourney change. When it changed I was either just starting 17 or finishing 16. So, about a year just trying to figure out the best mix of support buildings to gain...
  16. KonTiki

    What, exactly, is the tournament formula? It's got to be here somewhere but I cannot find it???

    I don't think the cost is altered depending on how you stage it ... but I find the troop types are consistent within a province so it's a little smoother going for me that way ... and given a similar pattern back to back I tend to lose fewer troops.
  17. KonTiki

    What, exactly, is the tournament formula? It's got to be here somewhere but I cannot find it???

    PC -- and I do autofight ... occasionally manually when I have time.
  18. KonTiki

    What, exactly, is the tournament formula? It's got to be here somewhere but I cannot find it???

    Thx for that caution but I don't think I have a tail problem (interesting concept ... 1st time I've heard it). I will go further than 9 provinces every few weeks (always 6* for a given province before moving to the next one) ... but only when I can get away with slouching on the spire (of...