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    Your Elvenar Team

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  1. JeanFritz

    This has been implemented (yay and hoorah!)

    Spire Banner needing diamonds blocks information mikeledo Well-Known Member Feb 6, 2020 When the dreaded 25 more diamonds banner pops up on the spire after 3 attempts, it is huge. It blocks the information one needs to make an informed decision as to proceed. Can I do this in one attempt...
  2. JeanFritz

    Method to improve troop selection for auto-fight.

    Yeah, except that you misinterpreted that I was also referring to that participant--the original post, as I kept pointing out. In any case (and as to the rest of your reply), fine: you don't like this idea. That it would actually annoy you to have a bit of extra information--not a pre-loading...
  3. JeanFritz

    Method to improve troop selection for auto-fight.

    Really, the vast majority of the time, the terrain doesn't affect the outcome much? Not my experience; maybe you've been lucky. The all-caps was for emphasis, as it seemed the point was being deliberately ignored: there is a difference between "being too lazy to search through forums and...
  4. JeanFritz

    Method to improve troop selection for auto-fight.

    So... the players who don't bother going outside of the game and reading through forums and wikis (not all of which are helpful, and not all of which are even well-intentioned) are not likely to look at a map that APPEARS AS THEY SELECT TROOPS. Yeah, you're right, I don't understand that...
  5. JeanFritz

    Method to improve troop selection for auto-fight.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, too; it seems like you're suggesting that the information available on the wiki/forums would help solve the problem of not knowing what the map is before selecting troops (not at all for phone players, and not without the slow and cumbersome "select some troops...
  6. JeanFritz

    Method to improve troop selection for auto-fight.

    Yeah, I realize it would apply to both sides; however, I'd personally prefer to have a roughly equal chance of all of my troops types succeeding (given similar enemy bonus/penalty contexts) than only ever doing well with ranged/magic types and having to accept high losses whenever using melee...
  7. JeanFritz

    Method to improve troop selection for auto-fight.

    I don't see why it's a bad suggestion; I'd like to see it on the browser version, too. The wiki doesn't tell us where the obstacles will be for each fight, so I don't see how that reply is supposed to help. Even a simple overview snapshot of the combat map would tell us things like, "no...
  8. JeanFritz

    collect time creep fix

    Why not just adjust those buildings so that the current time reduction spells will work on them, the same as they do for workshops and manufactories? Sure, it'd be costly (in spells) to do 30 expiring buildings at once, but if you're looking at one or two particularly valuable buildings, a...
  9. JeanFritz

    Information Window

    To whoever merged my thread with this one: Next time, please read and understand the thread, first. Honestly, I don't have a problem with the idea of a new information window--but that's not what I am asking for. I don't want one more window to click open and click closed. My thread was...
  10. JeanFritz

    Guest Races - capped goods. iOS mobile version

    Crap, I am sorry about that--I meant to write Ashrem, but looked at the wrong profile thingy without verifying the message written. My apologies--I've edited my post.
  11. JeanFritz

    Guest Races - capped goods. iOS mobile version

    I hope one bad response won't keep you from giving feedback--like Ashrem said, it *should* be possible to cancel/discard a Guest Race production. If you haven't already, I highly suggest submitting a bug report--I've found the Elvenar support staff to be much more responsive and helpful than...
  12. JeanFritz

    Information Window

    I figure if neighbours can't be bothered to locate their builder near the MH or at least tell me where their builder is, then if I can't find it in a few seconds, I don't worry about it. However, in my own town (what this thread is about), I don't mind a bit of hide-and-seek; it's good mental...
  13. JeanFritz

    Information Window

    Honestly, I don't think I'd want to use an information window--but I'm not saying you shouldn't have one, just that it's not what I'd want. I like how Elvenar is different from most city sims; I only play one Elvenar city, because I'm not interested in needing to keep track of what all the...
  14. JeanFritz

    More helpful information for upgrading culture buildings

    When you have the option to upgrade culture (and culture plus...) event buildings, it is be helpful to see how much difference the upgrade will make (in the upgrade tab); when the building is polished, it is also helpful to see the breakdown of total culture into "base" culture, NH boost, time...
  15. JeanFritz

    Information Window

    Well, that's assuming you allow your browser to store lots of crap in the cache. ;) Regardless, I've almost always had a HUGE slow-down with high-quality (even mid-quality) graphics, both in my town and out, and my hardware is decent enough, so Elvenar is always low-quality for me. So, again...
  16. JeanFritz

    Information Window

    Thank you, that's helpful--but only if you play with graphic quality on high. Depending on players' connection speed (and quite often, tbh, the Inno server slow-downs), it wastes more time to wait for the city to load (on high graphic quality) than it would take to check each expiring building...
  17. JeanFritz

    Information Window

    Clicking on expired expiring buildings clearly shows when they have expired--no complaints there! :) However, the float-over pop-up could be a little more obvious. I don't make a habit of clicking on every building every time I check--that's what float-overs are for--and when tired or in a...
  18. JeanFritz

    Add history or presets

    I absolutely agree. An alternative, perhaps easier to implement (though perhaps not as helpful), would be a "same for all" check box (like with the Workshops) where you can fill the empty slots with all the same troop. This way, "simple" autofighting (using 5 of the same troops) would be much...
  19. JeanFritz

    Barracks/ Training Grounds/ Mercenary Camp Enhancement

    I like the idea of listing the number of squads you have in the training tab. However, you can already train units directly from the army camp tab, by using the number shortcut keys (1 for light melee, 2 for light ranged, etc.); you just have to remember that pressing the number once moves the...
  20. JeanFritz

    Spire Banner needing diamonds blocks information

    I agree--I refuse to spend diamonds if I can't see my chances of it working.