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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Jewels4Gin

    Purchase of Diamonds and zero sell value!!!

    I agree, getting something back when you sell premium items would be wonderful.... Because to be honest I am not that lucky to win diamonds in the crafter shop or spire...
  2. Jewels4Gin


    Update: We need players boosted in planks and gems... if you have one or both contact one of the mages or Arch Mage to apply. =)
  3. Jewels4Gin

    Seeking tournament-focused fellowship

    Miss you in Avalon... =(
  4. Jewels4Gin


    Hi, I am Jewels4Gin of Avalon in Arendyll. We are looking for a recruit that is boosted in Planks, Silk, & Dust. But if you have a planks boost any combination will be acceptable. We would prefer if you have a min. score of 100k and can make fellowship visits 4x/ week. We currently on average...
  5. Jewels4Gin

    disenchanting options

    I was thinking the same thing... It would be so nice to disenchant other event buildings and items bought with diamonds so they don't end up being a total waste of money spent in the game...
  6. Jewels4Gin

    Release Notes version 1.39

    I am with you there... the only ones I visit with outside my fellowship are the ones with the gold helping hands......
  7. Jewels4Gin

    Release Notes version 1.39

    I have to say since the last patch/upgrade I have been having to restart more often. between the game locking up to the screen getting all wonky. as for the supposed upgrade.... To me it isn't an upgrade... as the way it was when you got something with every visit. it was nice knowing you would...
  8. Jewels4Gin

    Release Notes version 1.39

    I am not understanding how this upgrade is to work... The only reason I do neighbor visits is because of the CL and BS AWs I agree with all the others this feels more like a downgrade than an upgrade.... aaaggghhhh!!!!!