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    Your Elvenar Team

10 chest fs

  1. Ethereal Trinity

    Newbs Unite wants active players

    Newbs Unite is looking for 3 new active players in Winyandor. We’re a newer fellowship, but we get 11 chests in tourneys, silver in spire, and placed 28th in the last fellowship adventure. We play all aspects of the game and require weekly participation. We are a very goal-oriented, drama-free...
  2. Weekly Spire Gold, 10+ Chest Starship Defiant is Recruiting

    Starship Defiant (US2 Win) is currently seeking members to join our 10+ chest and gold spire fellowship. Our awesome, friendly, supportive, team is committed to contributing to going above and beyond in the tourney and spire. We complete spire gold weekly. Applicants should reach the second...
  3. BTrouble

    Starship Defiant is RECRUITING (10 chest/Gold Spire players)

    Starship Defiant is currently looking for members to join their 10 chest and gold spire fellowship. All member are to do their fair share of helping team mates with fair trades, visits, chat, participation in tournament and spire are a requirement. If this sounds like the fellowship for you...
  4. sam767

    Guardians of the Galaxy is looking for a spire warrior

    10 chest, gold spire, top 20 FS looking for a spire climber to make it a little easier for the rest of us. All players need to be gracious, honest, and kind to one another. If you like sharing, are an active player, and like being part of an active and supportive fellowship then this is the...
  5. BTrouble

    To boldly go where no FS has gone before!

    Starship Defiant has 2 openings available!!!! We are a 10 chest/gold spire fellowship. 1200 points per week in tournaments are required and at least to the 2nd Boss gate in the spire. What Defiant can offer you: Taking home spire gold weekly. 10 chest tournament rewards, 10/15/20/30/50 KP...
  6. Caribbean Kat

    Elven DragonFyre Interviewing

    Our FS achieves 10 Chests weekly, Silver Medal Spire weekly, and Top Ten Adventure Ranking regularly. Offering six very active KP Sharing Chains. Due to a very longstanding member retiring from the game in a few days we will be interviewing Aspirants. Must be a friendly team player experienced...
  7. Caribbean Kat

    Hot Spots Available in ElvenDragonFyre

    SEEKING 2 EXPERIENCED, ACTIVE, HAPPY PLAYERS. MESSAGE MAGES FOR CONSIDERATION TO JOIN if you are ready to SOAR! This FS strives to be competitive in Tournys, Spire and Adventures while working together to Grow Beautiful Cities and enjoy great...
  8. sam767

    Guardians of the Galaxy 10 chest FS

    We are a top 20 FS that gets 10 chests every week. We finished in the top 20 in the FA the past two times. We seek an Elementals or better player to join our team. Write to one of the mages if interested.