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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Silver Lady

    How Useful Is the Forum

    I just needed a piece of info. Took me literally less than 30 seconds to find the answer here on the forum! And no to the Wiki, the answer is not there.
  2. Link to Top of Page at the lower right corner of each message

    Please add a link to the Top of the page at the lower right corner of each message, for example: #2 Like+ Quote Reply Top It would make it easier to navigate the forum, especially when keeping up with frequently read threads.
  3. Enough is enough

    To all other posters here: (Also posted this on the beta-forum) Perhaps we haven't always been in agreement, but generally speaking I found that the players here have been trying to get themselves heard. And over all I've enjoyed the posts and discussions. However, player feedback seems to have...
  4. Forummods are making weird decisions

    Hello forummods. Perhaps someone should explain to you some basics about being a mod: A mod is NOT supposed to actively join the discussion, unless it is as a warning to bring people back to the topic of the original post if they wander too far off topic. But a mod should be careful in closing...