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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Dragon's Nest is looking for Active players boosted in Steel

    Dragon's Nest is looking for Active players boosted in Steel We are a drama free Fellowship to help new players learn, grow, and have fun playing the game. We talk about the aspects of the game and help each other with visits, trades and advice. We have players with all levels of experience...
  2. Enough is enough

    To all other posters here: (Also posted this on the beta-forum) Perhaps we haven't always been in agreement, but generally speaking I found that the players here have been trying to get themselves heard. And over all I've enjoyed the posts and discussions. However, player feedback seems to have...
  3. Serenity of Extinction

    Do You Boost Marble? We are a Fellowship that puts all of our efforts into helping the new and lower level players. That is the reason this fellowship was created in the first place, and we still abide by that. +18 please. We want to enjoy the game and have fun without restrictions, but be...