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    Your Elvenar Team

[12133] Residences appear under Culture Buildings


Game Version:Elvenar v1.16.13-(6f6b1c7) (2016-10-26 8:37)
Game World:Winyandor
Browser + Version:Chrome v54.0.2840.71
Flash Player Version:Adobe v23.0.0.205
Operating System:Windows 7 Pro.
Screen Resolution:1024x768
Account Name:Destroyer99900
In-Game Race:Elves
Current Situation:
Sometimes when I log in, my Residences will appear to be under my small Culture Buildings even though the Culture Buildings are behind the Residences. I have observed it several times to confirm that it isn't just a one time occurence.
Expected Situation:
I expect to be able to see my Residences fullyunless there's something in front of them
Replication Steps:
  1. Build and Uprgade a Residence building to around levels 8-10.
  2. Build at least 2 more Residences adjacent to the first one in a single row.
  3. Build some small Culture Buildings behind the Residences.
  4. (May Be Optional)Build an equal amount of Residences paralell to the first row, but around 2 spaces apart.
  5. You may have to wait or expand on the sample for it to occur.


  • Screenshot 2.png
    Screenshot 2.png
    978.5 KB · Views: 52


Hi Destroyer,

Thank you for your report. We have confirmed this issue and forwarded it for correction. :)