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25!!! CCs for Moonstone Library set in MA...complete set?


Well-Known Member
So the Moonstone Library has shown up in my MA for 25 (yikes) CCs. Is that the complete set? I previously got all of the components from the Spire, except the library.

If it's the complete set, can I link it with the other pieces I have?


Well-Known Member
It's just the main piece.
Yes it will link with the rest.
Yes it's worth 25 CCs

I took the advice and gemmed my MA to max, so that I can make CCs in 6 hr. I got the needed 25, just in time for the library to appear, and crafted it. With a little trial and error, I figured out I needed to put the library in the middle, so that all the other components are touching it. Now just have to sit back and let the untold riches roll in, lol.

I ended up having to make nearly all 25 CCs, due to having played myself into a corner where I'm always short on supplies. I can only make enough troops for tournaments or Spire, but not both. I'm going to start a new thread to ask for advice on this.