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Closed | Archived [4570] Game freeze on loadup


I haven't been able to log in to the world in 2 days, after selecting World 1 the load bar gets to 62% and just freezes.


So this appears to be an issue with Chrome, I am able to get into the game on IE11


Also for the most part I have noticed this issue with Chrome and just switch to Firefox.


Knorretjelief x our developers are looking into this issue for those that get stuck at loading 62%. I have updated the post with the number.


I find taking focus off the window while its loading will make this happen alot. (not always)

Repo: Start loading the game and switch to another browser window while its trying to load.

Every game load stalls for a while at 62% regarless if it continues to load or not.

Refreshing for me fixes this, as long as i keep the window in focus till the game is fully loaded.


I also have this problem, and Jorills, I keep 'focus' on that tab and it still freezes at 62%. I hope this is corrected soon, and not just told to switch to Firefox or IE, because I don't use those browsers anymore. Hope this is resolved soon; thanks for all the effort Team. ^.^


I happen to use the Opera browser a lot and this bug affects that browser too. Microsoft Edge (I'm a Windows 10 user) is the Only browser I've tried that works to access the game


This is an old issue - this was fixed previously by clearing your flash cache. We were also having network and server issues yesterday that may have contributed to players experiencing this freeze.