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Closed | Archived [6273] Move tool and placment


I keep getting different "darkened highlight" areas any time I use the move tool to move a structure. I am not sure if it happens when placing a new structure or not as I currently lack the resources to buy and test.


They might be the same problem. Someone will take a look but if they didnt find it in the other who knows if they will in this.


Do you get the same problem after enabling or disabling Hardware Acceleration?


Ok, I was trying to move one structure, the landscape of the city was blocked off in a dark blue. And the structure was moving or jumping without my help. I finally put clicked where I wanted it, then hit done and it was there!
I don't know what Hardware Acceleration is, I just want to play the game.
I hope this is understandable.
Thank you,

I just tried it again and it worked great, like it should. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I had just added an expansion? who knows? I am sorry if I spoke too soon.
Thank you,
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I don't know what Hardware Acceleration is, I just want to play the game.
Hardware Acceleration is an option on the Settings menu, added to alleviate the problem with flash crashes we were experiencing in the game, particularly after visiting neighbors. You can access it by clicking on the gear icon at your bottom-left corner, then at the smaller gear icon.

Unfortunately there currently are multiple bugs associated with HA, so as a first step after encountering a bug you should try disabling or enabling it (after clearing your cache and cookies, of course).