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    Your Elvenar Team

[7975] Invisible Structure on BattleField


ame version: __ v0.34.8-(master) (2016-02-02 10:11)
Game world: __E
Browser + version: _chrome 48_
Flash Player version:
Operating System: _
Windows NT 10.
Screen resolution: _1920x1080_
Account name: varron__
Humans or Elves: _H_

Reproducibility: 1/5
Quest title: _fight Screenshot.png visible.png Screenshot.png

Current situation: I've seen the bug where fighters dissapear but never a structure. The stone turret type os structure was invisible but still affected the attackers path

Expected situation:
__There would be a visible stone wall

Reproduction Steps
_none yet_
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!


Thank you, have you already cleared your cache to see if that resolved the issue for you?

And are more players experiencing this?


I have not had invisible structures again but invisible troops are still happening on every server.


This problem should be resolved in our current game version. Should it still occur, please let us know! :)