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    Your Elvenar Team

[9323] Friendly order of battle not displaying correctly


Game version: v1.4.5-(bd416d0) (2016-04-27 9:12)
Game world: Winyandor
Browser + version: IE9
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win 7
Screen resolution: 1024x768
Account name: Arnev
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: n/a

Current situation:
After the recent updates, I can no longer tell in what order my troops' turns will occur.

Expected situation:
I used to be able to mouse over any friendly squad in the battle area and the corresponding squad in the initiative bar would highlight, thus revealing the order in which my troops' turns will occur. Now this only works for the active squad. I can still do this for all enemy squads, just not friendlies.

Reproduction Steps
Mouse over friendly squad.
2. Observe initiative bar to determine squad turn order
3. __
4. __
5. __


Hi Arnev -

Thank you for reporting this. We will investigate and get back with you, soon! :)


I am experiencing something similar. But also I only can move one set of troops of my 3-5 sets and then the enemy gets to attack with all their troops before I can finish moving the first time. Also my screen is going black and only the numbers of each troop is available. But it only seems to happen in Chrome browser.


We have been able to reproduce the issue and have forwarded it to our development team for fixing! :)


Hi guys,

As announced here, we will implement a new battle system shortly, which will automatically resolve this issue as well. Therefore, I'll archive it as "Won't Fix" for now, since it won't be fixed as a seperate bug but rather as a part of the whole Battle Redesign. It will be resolved after that however :)