Active Member
Yes, lowest piece per Gem is the GP @Lelanya ,
If this makes sense, uhhhh ....Q :
Lowest Piece pts per Gem would be GP strategy ?
Anything below 11 pts/gem is a ....ok/good/great deal ??
Anything below 5lvls/gem is a good path strategy.
More to @Lelanya input add refreshing. Refresh request as much as possible to get a good offer. Keep 3 or 4 gem ones.
You can even get two 3-gem ones simultaneously.
Yesterday, i got a 3-gem one with only a figurine lvl6 as pre-req. Damn i forgot to screenshot. Best deal ever!
Will try to catch one soon and re-post.
[MOD EDIT] removed image due to size, Maximum size is 640x480
This one requires 10lvls (4 figurine and 6 dice). It is on position 3, i have another 3-gem on position 2.
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