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    Your Elvenar Team

A Quiet Place. Perhaps Too Quiet?


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
An awful lot of players don't visit the forum. But, if you have been in a few fellowships you find that an awful lot of people in those fellowships never visit the chat either ...or at least very, very seldom.

Now, I'm of the opinion that the more people talk together the closer they get. Yeah, it may on an occasion or two they are driven apart, but most of the time it's just the opposite. And those who are closer, are probably more loyal, participate more and, in general, have more fun so they stick around longer. If your fellowship is of the "too quiet" type here's a program that might help. We are going to try in one or two of our TC fellowships and maybe, just maybe it will work.

We are going to find 7 volunteers, one for each day of the week. Each volunteer, when they arrive, will post in chat a question (Elvenar or not), a favorite thing (book, movie, song, etc.), or a humorous joke, anecdote, or pun. As each player arrives, they can voluntarily respond. And while I suspect the "usual suspects" (nice play on words there, right?) will all jump in, I'm hoping to hear a few more voices in the echo chamber of chat.

If you'd like to try this, please feel free. All I ask is that you let me or us know how it goes. Does it help? Is it worth the effort? I'll keep you posted as to my experience.


Deborah M

Oh Wise One
I've only been in a few fellowships over the years but most other players seem to have always preferred for me to just report back relevant news from the Forum. I think for most players the time they spend in their cities is enough time spent in the game. I also believe what @Moho said when it comes to chat.


Well-Known Member
Most players who are in the chat or this forum are fairly respectful. We had to remove a player from one of my fellowships for being a little too "right wing" and another player got a little drunk and said some non-PC things and then never came back again. For the majority the ones that do chat or do come to the forum are more active players. Let's just say that they want to do well for the fellowship because they are "friends" with the members.


Active Member
Some fellowships are talkative and work as a unit. Some people don;t like to play that way and prefer to keep to themselves while reaping benefits of being in a FS. A lot has to do with being in a FS that fits your personal wants in the game. Every time I have changed fellowships it has been to find one that fit better with what I wanted in a team to play with. In my most recent jump I had spend considerable time trying to inspire members to talk more and work together more. It failed. You can't make people be who they don't want to be. Better to move on to a better fit.

Ariel Greensleeves

Active Member
Some days all is silence...
Somedays some of us chat about silly things, complain about the game, or give insights to our personal lives re: vacations/weather in our part of the country/job/significant others. I definitely feel more strongly connected to those people I feel I "know", that is, those who have a voice.

Some FS chat about such inane things its not even worth looking at chat...And it tends to get ugly fast

But watch out for this AJ person, he is studying our communication...(if you publish, I want to be in the acknowledgements!)


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Well, so far I've got 4 days of the 7 covered. Some are willing to try the experiment. Those unwilling are silent. LOL. I'll keep you posted.