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About the Tome of Secrets and Endless Excavation


I've been thinking about how worth the Tome of Secrets and the Endless Excavation is. I've given some good thought about them and there's something that is unclear to me. The Tome of Secrets rewards you with some supplies per every scout you start on the world map. And the Endless Excavation rewards you with extra relics per province on the world map you complete. I don't know if there's an unlimited amount of provinces to scout and complete on the world map. Is there? I notice the scouting costs go up the more provinces you scout. I'd like the Tome of Secrets and the Endless Excavation to have an endless use to their features. I think they'd be more valuable if there's always a province to scout or always a province to defeat on the world map. How does that go?


Oh Wise One
@Crabule17 The primary value of Endless Excavation is that it gives you lots of supplies every day. It does this regardless of if you are scouting or completing provinces. The relic value of it is very much secondary to the supplies it provides.

As far as Tome of Secrets, it only gives you supplies every time you scout a province. And you are correct that every time you scout a province the cost of scouting increases. However, the first technology of every new chapter is Advanced Scouts. Which will reduce your scouting costs by 25%. This counters the increasing cost of scouting to a great degree. You will be scouting provinces throughout the game. I built it early in the game and thought that once my scouting slowed down I might get rid of it. Well, my scouting is still ongoing and I still have it. lol Also in my opinion the other benefit of ToS (knowledge points every day) is better the the relic benefit of EE.