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    Your Elvenar Team

Accidently sold premium culture building


i now have -400 pop(and i wasnt at 0 beforehand) i'd like to get the building back if possible if not, for my population to be correct.


Wow how could you sell one? I would hope that wasnt on purpose.


It was an accident i wanted to sell something else close by


Active Member
Blackkat - I accidently 'sold' a steel manufactory with a slip of my finger on the computer's touchpad. Zip! I don't think you can get the building back. It's gone ... :(


Life sucks - and then you die. :oops: Just pretend that you invented a private quest. :p

It won't be the last building that you ever accidently deep six. Even worse, you'll delete something to get some room, and then realize that the building you wanted won't fit anyway. Been there - Done that.


I agree about the confirmation button. I mean, I don't build them anyway, but it's not like it's easy to get those back. They cost real money. It's a lot different from just harvesting a few buildings over the course of a few hours.


Active Member
I unintentionally spent diamonds to finish research in the tree. I probably clicked my laptop's touchpad too quickly or? idk. I never saw the 'spend diamonds' confirmation button. It's very irritating, I empathize completely.


Send in a ticket to support and tell them what happened. I have found support to be incredibly helpful and fast around here. I agree though, if it is a building you purchased, then I think there needs to be at least one if not two confirmation buttons. Maybe you could put that in the suggestion section? Good luck!!!