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    Your Elvenar Team

Add spells to the trade market


With the blowback by some players who refuse to put the magic academy in their city a new trade avenue has emerged and would make an interesting feature. Allow players to trade spells for goods or other spells. It would most likely be revenue positive as sellers would invest in improving their academy to produce faster. Players that abhor the idea of the academy would have an avenue to gain spells. Those with the academy would have more reason to enter tournaments as a source of relics to produce spells for sales/trades. It would add an interesting layer of complexity to the trade system, especially if the prices are market driven, but even so if capped at some ratio.


Players that abhor the idea of the academy would have an avenue to gain spells.

Just because of the fact that magic academy cannot be sold, and quoted statement, I'm against your idea. Why would anyone think that giving an option for those who refused to build it in the first place to advance faster (i.e. gain more goods/supplies) is a good idea? It's their choice to have extra 5x5 space instead of getting increased production rates, why would you give them an option to have both.


Just because of the fact that magic academy cannot be sold, and quoted statement, I'm against your idea. Why would anyone think that giving an option for those who refused to build it in the first place to advance faster (i.e. gain more goods/supplies) is a good idea? It's their choice to have extra 5x5 space instead of getting increased production rates, why would you give them an option to have both.
There are a lot of reasons this suggestion may be infeasible, and quoted statement, is one of the more vapid.
It would depend entirely on the cost/profit ratio and price point.
I have an academy, and I have all the production I want already plus room to add more if I choose. Most players in dwarven tech and above can probably say the same.
Players without the Academy already have limited access to spells through daily treasures and special events so they aren't gaining an option.Since spite isn't a factor for me it would be worthwhile if the price were right.
If the cost is market driven there would most likely be an advantage to the person selling spells and that would peak during events when players need spells for the questline.
Production goods are relatively cheap and easy to come by. Spells need not be and could possibly fetch a decent price.


I'm going to have to disagree with the idea of opening up a merchant avenue of items for this game. In every game I have ever played which has been advertised as free to play but has a player merchant/ trader system to sell in game and cash shop items, the coiners drive players further into hopelessness of catching up.

Not one single game I have played has ever installed price caps on an open market system of trade to keep things in check. Greed will become a dominating factor in a players ability to reach the upper rankings faster.

For ex/ back in 2008, I played a game where an item would sell for 5 million gold. Fast forward to 2016, returned to the game as I heard it was under a new distributor and management. The international exchange rate if anything is better now than in 2008, the code for that item has been around since day one, so no added costs to providing that pixelated item. That very same item now to buy with gold is ranging from 25 - 40 million.

Elvenar already has enough speed bumps and road blocks to slow down or stop our progression, the game itself is having a difficult enough time of retaining players after the first few days before they even reach these speed bumps. If player merchant or trader sales were to be allowed, this will only drive more players away.

It will become a basic supply vs demand economic nightmare fueled by players greed and race to be king/ queen in the rankings. Especially when events come around when quests ask for spells or other items, prices will skyrocket like crazy and the lower players won't be able to afford them. This leads to the ever popular pattern of well, I was able to sell it for this much, lets try selling it for higher. Another event comes, people still need that item, it's lose out on the latest and greatest new shiny item or nearly drain all your coin for it.

Same applies to when a game releases something new, shiny and wonderful. Everyone wants to keep up with the Jones', the coiners know this, will acquire those items, as it's brand new, set ridiculously high prices on them. I have seen it far too often, players say "don't pay the stupid prices". Well 1) you can't fix stupid (those paying the prices) 2) if you want to keep up and remain competitive you buy it anyways.

It's all one big vicious cycle that will only lead to more players leaving because they cannot keep up.