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Advent Candle question?

I purchased an advent candle for the Winter event and have been very happy getting several hundred extra snowflakes. Was it possible to buy more than one advent candle? Did anyone do this? If you did are you getting 1 snowflake per candle or just one extra snowflake total?

Thanks for help,

(after hearing about the 4th and 5th grand prizes, I am interested in efficient ways to get more snowflakes next event)


I believe the Advent Candle is similar to the Moon Mirror that was offered for the Autumn Event. We could only buy one. You picked up extra currency each time it generated around your city. These buildings expire at the end of the event they're offered for, so they don't function in any other event.

Deleted User - 3163279

You can only buy one. After the event they're usually worth keeping around for another chapter or 2 because they're fairly culture dense.