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    Your Elvenar Team




Alliance Lord

He has all powers and rights in the alliance, he can disband the alliance, change it's name and settings and edit other players' rights.

Alliance Titles

-Officers: Unit of the Alliance administration. Can set privileges and titles of other members and disband members

-Members: Basic Alliance unit, got privileges from officers or Alliance Lord


Invite- player can invite others to the alliance

Dismiss- player can dismiss others

Forum- player can use alliance forum

Message- player can send message to all alliance members

Moderator in the alliance forum- this right allows the player to edit and delete posts in the alliance forum

Hidden forums- player can see hidden forums that are invisible to normal alliance members

Diplomacy Tab

Alliance Lord can set NAPs and War with other Alliances

There will be field to write name of the other alliance and option to set "NAP" or "War". If set "NAP" this will make Green Background on the field with user name (on map) and if set "War" then will be Red Background on this field.

Forum Tab

Normal forum implemented into this tab with most of the normal forum function: write, quote, letter size, hidden forum etc.


Max players in alliance- 30

Player who left alliance get 12h penalty and can't go to another one.


Sounds great! Not sure why you would restrict a player from changing alliances if they wish and the new alliance is happy to have hem


Alliance..? OK if this would be a pvp game but its not at the moment - (maybe in the future?)- then again there are so many other pvp games, does InnoGames want to follow the norm or create something different ? something more for its Elvenar players, something more than special ?
I dont mind playing a pvp game but to be honest I do like a change from having to build up an army, create defence troops in their thousands, attack and capture other players cities, join or not join a tribe/guild/brotherhood/ and to be told how to play my game by somebody thats on a power-ego trip !
No offence ment to anyone but lets leave pvp out of this game otherwise why leave other pvp games to start in Elvenar ?


If this is to suggest PvP be added to Elvenar, then I'm definitely against it.
There are many games that Innogames have where you can fight to your hearts content...I would like to enjoy this game without being attacked every other minute (had enough of that in FoE)


I don't want the stress of having to please some 12 year old because he is the head of an alliance. There is already a game where you have alliances and can go attack people. I love the autonomy of Elvenar. I am really enjoying this game as a builder game and from the strategy side of using space properly. I wouldn't mind if there was an arena that was voluntary where folks could go fight for goods or supplies or coins or something. But nothing where the actions of some other player can ruin your game.


I agree with you Bobbykitty.
I have games that I can destroy if that is what I want, I enjoy currently the province quest, it would be nice if you could earn other boosts. currently, I only have goods with boosts only being made. works well