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    Your Elvenar Team

Allow players to delete a city


The biggest problem we have in the game is all the dead cities. Instead of populating the worlds with active players, they keep opening new worlds and spreading us too thin. I just went over to see a friend's city in another world and as soon as I did it created a city for me. I have no intention of playing there, yet now the city is just going to sit there and take up space in someone's neighborhood. If I could delete it, that would help a great deal.

Players quit this game all the time and they know they are never coming back. At least if they could delete their cities those empty cities could be repopulated right away. Unless of course they wouldn't populate those empty cities and just leave them empty forever.

I thought we were promised long ago that they were going to replace dead cities with active players. I haven't seen any evidence of them fulfilling that promise. Could you work on that please?