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    Your Elvenar Team

Amuni Chapter Quests


My fellowship has one player who is in the Amuni chapter. She just asked about some of the Storyline quests that state something like "Have 6 Goldsmiths Level 3 Have 3 Trap Makers Level 3". The question is does she have to have all of these at one time? Or can she build one, get it to the right level, delete it and build another? Thanks.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I am not that far yet, but any quest like that should work the same as earlier quests, like when we had to build three armories, where you could delete the extra buildings you did not want as soon as you completed the quest and claim the reward.

For that particular example you gave, she will have to have all nine of those buildings at those levels at the same time before the quest is complete. But there is another quest later one that will require more of those buildings and at a higher level, so she would be causing herself a lot of trouble if she deleted them.

Give her this website to see what is coming next:
