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    Your Elvenar Team



Active Member
Hi, Hvar...lol, yah, it's like trying to return to a home town that's been taken out by a tornado. Sad, useless.
I'm looking to merge Flight, as we have had a few pass away and a few leave the game, and there are hardly any players that are large enough to keep up in gold spire etc. We have several inactives that need replacing, and from talking to many other top 20 fs arches, they are having same trouble. We may have a lot more spots open for active players that still love the game, and like getting the perks of gold, and more than 10 chests. Flight still has a lot of amazing, loyal players, that want everyone to be active, so we will be letting go of any that are not. We've been getting gold for a long time, and even this week w only 19.

hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
at most we only need 3 people the rest are solid, most are mutlworlders with several of those playing with us on more than 1 world...we don't care about size as we grow noobs fast, but we don't mind if a whale joins either )