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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruiting Are you looking for a friendly family to play with? :-p


New Member
If you are looking for a relaxed & friendly fellowship that is drama free but full of fun, we may be the 'eccentric' and fun loving cyber-family you are looking for. :p o_O

We are a 10 chest/blueprint in tourney :elf::human: and Silver Spire:diamond: FS. To do this all we ask of all our family is that you participate in tourney with at least 1200pts so we can get those blueprints every week from the 10th chest(unless you are a small city then just do what you can) & get to the first boss/bronze level in Spire (We open 2nd boss/Laboratory/Silver for the FS rewards though, even if we need to borrow a few perk points sometimes), and participate in the FA's. We don't try to or even want to control your city build, you build and grow at your own pace and in your own way.

We welcome any size cities as long as you are a regular player. We love to help small/baby cities grow up and will answer any questions and help you along your way.

Brownie points for chatting and getting to know each other:cool_human: but if you like a quiet game:cool:, we respect that also.

If this sounds like a FS you may like to call home, beam aboard Starship Eccentric (Sci-fi/Star Trek interest is NOT required but bonus to all who know how to use the Holodeck) ;p We have left the shuttle bay doors open so you can come on in and see what you think of us OR you are welcome to reach out to me if you would like more information about it. Come to 10 Forward, have a drink and enjoy a relaxing game with us. ;) (P.S. If our crew list is showing full, please reach out anyway as we have a couple of folks that have been MIA for a couple of months and will open those spots up when we have new family wanting to join. We look forward to seeing you soon.)
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Oh Wise One
Good Luck! My fellowship there is 5 short and I am having a heck of a time filling those slots. I have very similar requirements to what you have as well.


New Member
Yes, it can be hard to fill those spots with people that have similar play desires. We have grown a LOT in the last few months and now only have a couple of vacancies. Trying to be super specific about our FS's game style so anyone interested in joining understands we are NOT a power or rank fighting FS but one about friendship, family, fun and folly (wow, I found 4 f's... LOL.. that was cute... LOL.. kind of sums up most of our chat styles in our group also... LOL). My hope is that people wanting to come in after reading this post will either love the idea of a fun and relaxed FS and NOT apply if they are looking for an FS trying to reach the top 10 in rank with heavy arming everyone into certain molds and play styles. Hoping that narrows people down to not be disappointed when they come.


New Member
and we just maxed out our Tourney Perk Point levels so we are now maxed in both Tourney and Spire. So, if we ever find we are having a week of struggle, we should have plenty of perk points in both to borrow from. Come join us, we have 2 spots left at the table. ;)


New Member
We are currently full but if you are looking for a real family, please message me and I will make sure all current members are still active or if we can make room for you. ;)


New Member
We have just made another opening if anyone is looking for a new family.

We are friendly, social and get 10+ chests each week. We also open Silver weekly (FS minimum is still High Halls) and we are moving to adding Gold pushes. Come join us if you are looking for a friendly and social place to call home ;)