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Arendyll really slow

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 312108
  • Start date

Deleted User - 312108

Anyone else having issues logging in and playing in Arendyll, it just got really, really slow in the last 30 minutes or so.


Hm. Everything seems to be working just fine on my end for now. :)

If you continue having issues, please submit a support ticket so a moderator can look into it for you.


Anyone else having issues logging in and playing in Arendyll, it just got really, really slow in the last 30 minutes or so.
Having some lag on Aren and Khel. not terrible but I am finding I have to refresh a ton to get things to update. Hopefully it's just the devs applying some fixes, it is about the right time in Germany for them to be working. :)


Only if they work nights.
Lol! I converted the time the wrong direction, yeah, it's 3 am there right now. Lol! But I did just get booted out of Khel about 10 minutes ago. Game Terminated 404 page not found error. Then was able to log back in. So something is up. Could be they set scheduled updates to auto apply at the slowest traffic time in their home area, wee hours are always best. For them. o_O