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    Your Elvenar Team

Armories in the city


How many armories do you truly need?? I have 7 but, as always space is a big factor.. So what is an actual amount to keep because we all know we must upgrade to keep up with the tournaments & the AW's can do just so much..


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I have four maxed ones plus the Dwarven Bulwark, which I find to be one of the most useful wonders for a fighting city. Once you get that and add to it, you can eventually cut your armories down quite dramatically. Even at level 1, it's worth more than a fully upgraded armory (at least for me, starting Elementals.)


Well-Known Member
Armories are a balancing act. Ideally, you would want as many as would result in a training queue time long enough to cover your longest stretch away from the game (usually while you sleep). Early on, without the aid of AWs to stretch that time, this can be very difficult.

My cities have gotten along just fine with only 3 or 4. More would be nice, but I prefer to use that space for other aspects of the game.


Buddy Fan Club member
As a primarily combat player, I place a higher value on armories than many. I have 5 in one city, 6 in the other. That really helps once you get to the end of Ch8 Orcs and get the AW Shrewdy Shrooms that is based on number of armory levels. Since higher squad sizes are no longer a detriment to tourney participation, the Bulwark has become more viable to me, but I still haven't started upgrading it in either city. I stopped at lvl 7 in one city, lvl 6 in the other as soon as I got Shrooms. I've been using a strategy of adding a few lvl 15 armories between chapters to any extra space, driving my training size (due to the Shrooms) up to 3 to 4 times squad size and developed a really good inventory of troops that way. That was more efficient when there was only one training queue, though, and much less needed with each bldg having its own queue now. I'm also feeding the brown bear rarely now, so it's not so advantageous to have the total queue times at 15+hrs to be able to use the higher denomination time boosters either. I've been going back and taking the optional squad size upgrades (that I originally skipped) for event quests, so I'm pretty sure I'll focus on the Bulwark soon in both cities. That may mean I reduce the number of armories, too.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
When you get into the later chapters, armories will be more needed to make orcs than to increase your training size.
Indeed. I'm super lazy so my goal is 10-12h of training time.

Right now, I have all three AWs that increase training speed at level 11 and the two AWs that increase training size also at level 11. With six Amories all at level 38 and barracks at level 39, and squad size of 6054, the training time per slot is 3:08, or almost 16 hours before all five finish. That is a little more than I like, so I need to level the Needles some more before I max the armories at level 39.


Mathematician par Excellence
@Enevhar Aldarion
With that data in my calculator, I think you could go as high as needles level 26 before dropping under 12h of queue time.
Or drop an armory and level the rest to 39 with a level 21 needles for 11.5h queue.
Endless combinations :)