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Artist Corner Rules Updated


Well-Known Member
Please make sure you read the updated guidelines in the Artist Corner prior to posting

Thank you ~
So, I was poking around searching for these new rules, but have not been able to find them. I am not the most tech-savvy individual, but it seems like having these stuck to the top of the thread, or getting a link would really help those who want to post art*.

*I am not an artist, but I once saw somebody play one on TV, so I have a vested interest in this information.


Active Member
So, I was poking around searching for these new rules, but have not been able to find them.

Welcome to the Artists Corner

You've probably read the above link already, but dismissed it because:
  • It was posted a by a deleted user.
  • It was last edited in 2015.
Both of these things may leave you scratching your head. How can these be the updated rules?

The only part I think is a recent addition is: All Art posted becomes the property of Elvenar.

The signature rules may have changed, too. I'm unsure, because I never had cause to read them carefully before:
Signatures must not exceed a maximum of 150 pixels in height and 500 pixels in width. This also includes any lines of text added to the side or underneath the signature.
I'd say at least half of the signatures I see break the latter portion of the rule. Not that I mind.