Except this goes beyond a temporary inconvenience, and into a setback of months, if not years. The new battle system is simply not fun. Auto fighting is impossible, so you're given a choice between spending forever fighting manually and being wiped out or trying to auto fight and being wiped out. And once the auto fight is fixed? I am so far ahead that even once I finish orcs I will not be able to continue fighting, even if I don't negotiate a single province between now and when I finish orcs. I am researching DWARVEN ANCIENT WONDERS. That's at least two entire ACTS worth of time that I am apparently supposed to not fight AT ALL, all because when I get a quest to unlock a province, or solve encounters, I do it. That's not a temporary inconvenience, it's a permanent one, and the quests to unlock provinces are still in my quest rotation. Yet, I cannot do them, even though the game is telling me to.
The only corellary I can think of is, on World of Warcraft, Blizzard telling people that oh, sorry, they didn't mean to release Legion so soon, sorry, but wait, everyone's already level 110, and they need to be level 100, so they have to make new characters and level them to 100 again because they shouldn't be 110 yet. Or maybe oops, they shouldn't have cleared Emerald Nightmare yet, so they have to make new characters because they need to be set back artificially. Neither of those situations even make sense.
If they tried to do that, players would quit in mass. Players of games do NOT like to be told that they were too far ahead of where they "should" have been.
Even if someone is a new player, if they somehow start progressing fast enough to run into these limitations.... the new changes, they mean it's possible to ram into the limitations starting as a new player with no time invested in the game. The boundary of I am progressing fast fast fast SLOW just slams people sooner. And that boundary is not fun at all.
I do not know where you shop for shoes, Katwijk, but shoes should not be uncomfortable when you buy them. If they aren't comfortable when you buy them and press in awkward places you're going to get blisters there if you try to keep wearing them.
Edit: I think this thread title is not the best. I don't think you're supposed to actively encourage people to stop playing this game on the forums, and the title looks like that's what you're doing. Might want to change it to "stop buying diamonds to show the devs how much we don't approve" or something along those lines.