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    Your Elvenar Team

Ban and Boycott Elvenar

Who will unite in a ban on purchasing diamonds until the new battle changes are rolled back?

  • Total voters


The recent onslaught by the designers of Elvenar on our collective playing enjoyment deserves a united response from we the players. While the release of the orc research tree was in poor taste and drove players from the game, the new battle weights are oppressive. I propose a total ban on purchasing diamonds until they remove this horrible improvement. Furthermore, if there is no acceptable response from the Elvenar team within one week of the bans commencement, I propose a total boycott of the game. Apparently drastic measures are needed to gain the designers attention!


I agree that the orcs was in poor taste and all of the newer changes are not fair. And I will not purchase anymore diamonds but mainly because I think this was a way to make us purchase diamonds if we wanted to continue to be able to play the game and stay competitive within our fellowships and the game. I am seeing signs that unless I purchase diamonds on a regular basis I will not be able to continue to play. If my suspicions are confirmed within the next couple of weeks, I will have no choice but to quit the game as I will not be able to afford to play the game anymore and so I would have to quit playing.


Allthough the Orcs hurt after 10th ring and slowed down progress in game for those of us who aren't in Orc Chapter it is still possible to progress allbeit slowly you can still negotiate provinces below 10th ring until you complete them and there is the tourneys you can cater or fight in as well - the new battle system has not been fully completed by updates and it will take time to learn and adjust to it if your a fighter, people are leaving game now, our Archmage and several other Mages are quitting because of INNO's changes but even so once you get to Orc Chapter you can still use Orcs that are made to negotiate if you choose to do it that way, or learn to fight, people should take time to make adjustments to game, INNO has spent months if not longer bringing this new Battle System into game they are not going to just drop it and do away with it, perhaps when they see that lots of their playerbase quits they may modify it to some degree that remains to be seen in months to come but if modifications or made it won't happen any time soon regardless of people saying they are dissatisfied with the new changes to game. I personally don't like fighting and mostly negotiate or cater in tourneys allthough i do make troops and i do fight in provinces and auto-fight in tourneys i have tried fighting in tourneys as well without the auto-fight but even after cleaning out flashplayer cache that way takes to long and takes forever to load so i tend not to use it - proposing a Ban won't work think about it Archmages have sent the Developers letters expressing their disappointment with the new changes and it falls on deaf ears therefore lots of them are quitting the game - The Developers and Owners of this game evidently don't care if people leave because they know that other new people will join game. play and think this is just the way game has allways been = Learn an adapt to it or Quit



First off, any talk of a ban, boycot etc is premature and short-sighted at best. This has been tried in other games and venues where there is f2p and p2p and the result has always been the same throughout. Although your loss of coin might cause a temporary stir, there are still and will always continues to be people that will gladly step into the void that you create and fill it. The game is stable, it has good graphics, no glitching that is major etc. They have introduced something that is, at the moment, not complete, not fully understood and for the moment is being given a bad rap by people that are for all intents and purposes, whining. Are things unbeatable now? No. Do you now have to think a bit more in battles? Yes. So what.

They have rolled this out and as was noted, they spent a while developing this. They are not going to just roll it back because a few people will no longer pay in. Give the new changes time to get fully implemented and to actually see what is there and what is not. I see a LOT of whining from people. Most of it is because they did not understand what happened and assumed.


First off, any talk of a ban, boycott etc is premature and short-sighted at best.

As a new neighbor I respect your 0pinion but disagree. I will not say which feature or company attitude should be corrected to make this game better, since there are a variety to choose from, but do support a Boycott. I polled my fellowship and all agree and I have added to our Fellowship name "- Protesting" To give this exposure, in the fellowship description I have added:
" We are protesting the way InnoGames is developing this game and promoting a boycott of all Diamond Purchases by users until innoGames listens and responds positively to users concerns. Join Us ! "
Hopefully others will do the same and promote this statement of Protest, spreading it across the game and not just here on the forum


Give the new changes time to get fully implemented and to actually see what is there and what is not.
ANY healthy game will always have tuning changes. Sometimes they are more drastic than others, but the folks who yell the loudest are those who already HAVE goodies that will henceforth be more difficult to obtain. Stated differently, the protesters found a way to get ahead of the game, usually by focusing on one aspect of the game and neglecting other aspects. They're often the REASON that the game was rebalanced.

The real question is not if rebalancing is appropriate, but rather how it is accomplished.
  • You COULD waste a lot of coding time in a once off attempt to ease the pain
  • You SHOULD focus on getting the new system right, and not worry very much about the temporary inconvenience.
It's like buying a new pair of shoes because the old ones were falling apart. The first few days are going to be expensive and uncomfortable, but once you get used to the new shoes they'll have better arch support and your feet won't ache as much.


Except this goes beyond a temporary inconvenience, and into a setback of months, if not years. The new battle system is simply not fun. Auto fighting is impossible, so you're given a choice between spending forever fighting manually and being wiped out or trying to auto fight and being wiped out. And once the auto fight is fixed? I am so far ahead that even once I finish orcs I will not be able to continue fighting, even if I don't negotiate a single province between now and when I finish orcs. I am researching DWARVEN ANCIENT WONDERS. That's at least two entire ACTS worth of time that I am apparently supposed to not fight AT ALL, all because when I get a quest to unlock a province, or solve encounters, I do it. That's not a temporary inconvenience, it's a permanent one, and the quests to unlock provinces are still in my quest rotation. Yet, I cannot do them, even though the game is telling me to.

The only corellary I can think of is, on World of Warcraft, Blizzard telling people that oh, sorry, they didn't mean to release Legion so soon, sorry, but wait, everyone's already level 110, and they need to be level 100, so they have to make new characters and level them to 100 again because they shouldn't be 110 yet. Or maybe oops, they shouldn't have cleared Emerald Nightmare yet, so they have to make new characters because they need to be set back artificially. Neither of those situations even make sense.

If they tried to do that, players would quit in mass. Players of games do NOT like to be told that they were too far ahead of where they "should" have been.

Even if someone is a new player, if they somehow start progressing fast enough to run into these limitations.... the new changes, they mean it's possible to ram into the limitations starting as a new player with no time invested in the game. The boundary of I am progressing fast fast fast SLOW just slams people sooner. And that boundary is not fun at all.

I do not know where you shop for shoes, Katwijk, but shoes should not be uncomfortable when you buy them. If they aren't comfortable when you buy them and press in awkward places you're going to get blisters there if you try to keep wearing them.

Edit: I think this thread title is not the best. I don't think you're supposed to actively encourage people to stop playing this game on the forums, and the title looks like that's what you're doing. Might want to change it to "stop buying diamonds to show the devs how much we don't approve" or something along those lines.


Don't really care about combat, but what they did to magic residences and workshops is unacceptable. Not only they did not fix the problem, they covered it up.


I have been playing this game about a month and a half and was really enjoying it. The enjoyment from this type of game comes with progress. With the recent changes, progress will be severely curtailed. One of my favorite parts of the game was the fighting in provinces. After the changes, in my 5th ring I now face defending armies that have quadrupled or more in size than what they used to be. In order to progress at even a small portion of my previous pace, I now have no choice but to buy diamonds. More developed players have a much larger resource base and may have the option to adjust and put more resources into army building. The newer players don't have that option. At this point, it will take me weeks building resources to be able to even attempt to fight an encounter. Not a lot of fun. I have run into this in other similar "pay to be able to play" games and my interest dwindled quickly. The only things keeping me in this game right now are: 1. Some very friendly fellowships and 2. the hope that the designers realize their mistake and improve what is an important function in their game. I agree with some that have said other new players will join the game, not realizing the changes that affected the game, but I would wager that they won't stay long when after a few weeks their progress slows to a crawl. I also realize part of designing and maintaining a game is to continue to develop material to keep up with the progress of the higher players. But changes to implement that material shouldn't drastically affect the play. I have been in many games in which this happened and they rolled back until they fixed the problems. They should have a beta world for the more experienced players to test the changes. Not sure if they do this or not. I'm sure some will call this whining, but if I am investing time and money in a game, it needs to be one that is fair and enjoyable.


I am asking that anyone who is an Innogames employee not respond here. It is a common practice to have employee seed discussions that are meant for the user or customer community. Ultimately, these deceptions always fail!


ANY healthy game will always have tuning changes.

LOL @ you thinking this game is healthy.How many empty cities before it is considered sick?

LOL, nothing like a bogus push poll where every choice is against the game.

Where's the "I love the game and will definitely continue to buy diamonds option" ???


nothing like a game that punishes players for....playing.Also...go start your own poll and rack up the I loves their.let us know how many accounts you need to make to even remotely look like people are satisfied.

It's like buying a new pair of shoes because the old ones were falling apart. The first few days are going to be expensive and uncomfortable, but once you get used to the new shoes they'll have better arch support and your feet won't ache as much.

WOW...I think someone else summed up the ignorance of this statement already...but WOW.


I know it can be difficult when someone makes an obnoxious statement not to respond in kind. But I am asking everyone to please refrain from leveling personal insults, even if they are merited. Restrict your arguments to the actual aspects of the game and not each other. When you criticize someone who has made an obnoxious statement it just encourages more obnoxious behavior. Ignore them or stay on point with facts and logic.


LOL @ you thinking this game is healthy.How many empty cities before it is considered sick?

nothing like a game that punishes players for....playing.Also...go start your own poll and rack up the I loves their.let us know how many accounts you need to make to even remotely look like people are satisfied.

WOW...I think someone else summed up the ignorance of this statement already...but WOW.
To call someone ignorant only speaks of your own. You and others are mad and are not thinking straight or being objective. Is the game harder now? Yes. Are the updates to this rollout done yet? No and yet you and others are judging it and effectively crying about something that is not even fully implemented.

Yes, you have to THINK and use strategy now and research a few extra things to get to where you were. Big whoop. Who wants a game where you essentially just walk through the game, which is what I am hearing was done. There is such a thing as game balance where the game is challenging versus the reward. You got used to a certain level of play and now they have changed that up on you and leveled it out, made it better.


Posts were merged and a warning was issued regarding the multi-posting rule.
As far as whether or not Innogames can rollback the destructive changes to battle weights or not, any reasonably proficient and professional IT development organization has plans for a rollback of any release features they put into production. These rollbacks are always created and ready to be executed as needed if the production release proves problematic. This release certainly meets that criteria.

As far as the supposition that it would take a lot of time to change the battle weights, if the developers practiced object oriented programming with appropriate encapsulation such as change should require a minimal effort of days, not weeks or months and it would not be time wasted, but time well spent in rebuilding good will with their customer base.
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As far as whether or not Innogames can rollback the destructive changes to battle weights or not, any reasonably proficient and professional IT development organization has plans for a rollback of any release features they put into production. These rollbacks are always created and ready to be executed as needed if the production release proves problematic. This release certainly meets that criteria.
Rollbacks are not always created. It depends wholly upon the platform upon which it is built. Some can accomplish this in a simple manner by removing the code but in most cases it is an actual server reset to a date before the code was implemented.

In this case it is far, far too early to be even considering such as they did announce beforehand that this was not a one shot deal that it would be stepped in and this was the first step. This release does not meet that as the game is still playable on all fronts, just that it is more challenging to do. It's rather like playing a game on the super easy level with elite troops and suddenly being stepped up to the elite level. You don't expect it but the power levels are wholly compatible for game play.


Don't really care about combat, but what they did to magic residences and workshops is unacceptable. Not only they did not fix the problem, they covered it up.
Thank you for commenting! Can you offer specifics as to what in these areas you object to? Perhaps you should consider starting another thread. But I would be happy to explore the subject of the deficiencies of magic residences and workshops.


Except this goes beyond a temporary inconvenience, and into a setback of months, if not years.

How do we know this when we only have 1 of 3 updates?

The new battle system is simply not fun.

It has not been fully updated so how can we make this assumption when I am only playing with 1/3 of the toy box?

Auto fighting is impossible, so you're given a choice between spending forever fighting manually and being wiped out or trying to auto fight and being wiped out. And once the auto fight is fixed?

Auto fighting has not been updated yet.

It is very sad to say but my fellowship, for the most part, is doing fine unless they come to the forum and get infected in this cesspool of hate and anger. It saddens me to see so many good players get caught up in this... :'(

This has always been a game of puzzles... we need to work together to now figure this puzzle out. Sharing information and helping each other with the new battle pentagon etc...

The next updates are going to bring new troops and a new building. We will more than likely be thrown back in the research tree to open these... I am already preparing my FS for this. I think that these updates will greatly help the new fighting structure.


How do we know this when we only have 1 of 3 updates?

Thank you! This is what most do not realize or worse, do not care enough about to ask. They look at what they see and do not research into it.

It has not been fully updated so how can we make this assumption when I am only playing with 1/3 of the toy box?
We should give a review but save actual criticisms until after the full update is in place and in play and we see how this WHOLE thing will actually affect game play. Not just how it is perceived to affect play NOW, when it is not even fully in place yet.

Auto fighting has not been updated yet.

It is very sad to say but my fellowship, for the most part, is doing fine unless they come to the forum and get infected in this cesspool of hate and anger. It saddens me to see so many good players get caught up in this... :'(

This has always been a game of puzzles... we need to work together to now figure this puzzle out. Sharing information and helping each other with the new battle pentagon etc...

The next updates are going to bring new troops and a new building. We will more than likely be thrown back in the research tree to open these... I am already preparing my FS for this. I think that these updates will greatly help the new fighting structure.

And this is the same thing that is being experienced by my FS as well. Some have slowed but others show no sign of slowing at all.