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Well-Known Member
Is there a "back door" into the Barracks, so I can get in without collecting the groups that are done?


Sort of, but I've never had it work for me.

Open the barracks before the first training is done, and sit there until it finishes. Then, you can start another round of training and not have to collect anything.


Well-Known Member

If you have Training Grounds or Mercenary Camp.
Train troops in whichever building, then click on one of the others and Train some more, without clicking on the one that has already finished. This way you don't pick up the "done" troops and can train more, but different, troops in the other one ;)

I do this sometimes when a Event requires "alot" of troops to be trained, for a quest.


Well-Known Member
I knew I used to be able to do this. Just thought I was having another senior moment. I long since sold off my Training Grounds. I'll have to figure out if the quests for "alot" of troops is worth the real estate, since this would be the only time I would use it. Thank you.