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    Your Elvenar Team

Beginner's tournament guide


Well-Known Member
There are a couple of great sites out here with the Wizard's page and the Gems page which are great help and info to all of us...Regardless of level. I see an oversight, though, in the tournament area. Both sites tell us what to expect from play but not how to play.

The easy stuff that is garnered from experience such as don't think in terms of days but rather in 16hr segments or rounds. You gain more from the back than from the front and you get an additional round on Wednesday if you begin shortly after the tournament starts. You have a 16hr cushion to get all 6 (the limit) rounds in even though it looks like more. Don't try to overplay the fist round...Play what you can afford and the same ones every round.

There's more, of course, a lot more but I'd have relished this kind of advise when I first began tournament play and I believe it would be helpful to others as well...
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Oh Wise One
The easy stuff that is garnered from experience such as don't think in terms of days but rather in 16hr segments or rounds. You gain more from the back than from the front and you get an additional round on Wednesday if you begin shortly after the tournament starts. You have a 16hr cushion to get all 6 (the limit) rounds in even though it looks like more. Don't try to overplay the fist round...Play what you can afford and the same ones every round.

There's more, of course, a lot more but I'd have relished this kind of advise when I first began tournament play and I believe it would be helpful to others as well...

I am unsure what you mean by "you gain more from the back than the front?" If you are referring to points than this information has always been available in guides, just not expressed in those "exact" words.

With timing it varies based on timezone primarily and then a persons schedule. Certain time zones are at an inherent advantage and others an inherent disadvantage. Basing specific advise on something that can vary for every person is hard to do in a guide.


I think there's definitely a void of helpful content on the how-to of tourneys, though it's hard to remember what was or was not obvious when I started participating.