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    Your Elvenar Team

Best methods on exit


I've decided that I'm done with the game, and am looking for the best exit strategies from fellow players, Archmages, Mages, etc.

Disburse all goods and dismantle city to give the biggest benefit to my fellowship before I go.

Proposed method:
sell all sellable items, use money and supplies to buy goods from the wholesaler, then set up rolling 3 star trades with my fellowship until there's nothing, or almost nothing, left. Rename city "do not visit" or something like it. so other players know that it's been dismantled.

Ideally, I would utterly wipe myself from the game, but from what I understand, that isn't an option.

Is there an easier/simpler way than what I've come up with? What is the best way to do this?


If you sell all of the buildings that can be sold, then your city will be replaced by a Goldmine in 30+ days.

If you wish to delete your entire account, and all of the associated cities,
then submit a support tickets and the Game Moderators will provide you with a link for doing so.


That sounds about right, I guess.

If your city's on Fey, I'm sure the gold mines that populate the lands will be devastated that you're no longer around.


With recent developments and apparently ongoing capricious Inno mod behavior, I predict others will exit. It's unfortunate. The graphics are lovely (orc/goblin dungheaps notwithstanding), the game is fairly fun to play for the most part, and I've met some cool folks. But the people behind the scenes can ruin the game for the players with poor decisions and behavior.


I don't blame you. I was only producing first tier goods, and was lucky to have a fellowship of folks farther along that didn't mind trading in the small amounts I could offer up. But without that? I'd be stuck, too.


FWIW - This exit strategy was pretty good. Had it all wrapped up in fairly short order. Split the trades between morning and evening so everyone in my fellowship could snag deals. Distributed my KP to the AWs in the group. One thing I would have done differently is that I used my free starter kit of diamonds to buy kp to give away. At 45 diamonds each, that was probably not the best option. I should have instead used it to buy something else that I could sell for coins, bought goods, and distro'ed those. Probably would've gotten more out of the diamonds that way. Or maybe not. Hard to say.

Side note:
As a final slap in the face this morning, Missanthropy chastised me for 'inappropriate language' in a post in which I have no darned clue exactly what was inappropriate. Seriously no idea. Conclusion: "Inappropriate language" means "you hurt my feelings" to the mods. Nice work, Missanthropy. You sealed the deal. I will never give Inno a single penny of my money, and I will make sure to post up on social media about how ridiculous Inno's employees are. You can't be a tyrant there.


Rename your city "Left game and the date"'and as suggested by Missanthropy you can spell out a message with dirt roads in the land, she said say something humorous LOL . Also if you have any diamonds get rid of them.


I put in a support ticket request to delete my account.
Missanthropy deleted confidential information.
I reassured them multiple times that I really would like to delete the account, and got a message that it could take a few days to do that.

Next step is to cancel my account here on the forum, so this is my final post.

I wish the players the very best. Thank you to all of those that responded to my questions and sent emails with info and insight.
I wish for Inno to start caring about their players enough to listen to them.
I wish the worst for Missanthropy and her pet puppy. (We all know who that is, I think)
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I'm also most likely going to quit as I don't like the way the creators are introducing slavery into this world. That's just WRONG on so many levels. they should ALL be ashamed of themselves.