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    Your Elvenar Team

Black screen in current Tournanment


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure this is really worthy of a bug report because it only happened once. But before the server went down a bit ago I went into the tournament. I chose to try to fight but when the fight screen came up the background was completely black. I could see the all the warriors and all the buttons to move around (and I think there was a rock) but could not see anything else. I put it into autofight mode and did manage to win (go auto fight!).

Then it hung up for about 30 seconds when I became impatient and hit refresh. I went back into the tournament and all was fine. Could see everything again. But then the server went down.

So was curious if this happened to anyone else.


@Calenmir ,

We do need a bit more on this so we can try and reproduce it. Can you please fill in the bug template with the browser/OS/flash information and post it here so we have it available?


Well-Known Member
As requested, though it may have simply been a glitch on my computer or the problems with the server (??):

Game version: __ v1.16.13-(6f6b1c7) (2016-10-26 8:37)Game world: __
Browser + version: __IE v11
Flash Player version: __23,0,0,185
Operating System: __Windows 7
Screen resolution: __1366 x 768
Account name: __Calenmir
Humans or Elves: __Elves

Reproducibility: 1/5

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
__ When I opened tournaments to attempt to fight, the grid or background was black. I could see all clickable options at the bottom of the screen, I could see the warriors and I vaguely remember a rock. Not being able to see the grid I put fight in auto mode. Everything worked fine just that the grid/background was black.

I won the fight, attempted to collect/click on the 'awesome' button and game hung up. I waited a bit (as this has happened before) and when it didn't resolve I hit refresh. I went back into tournament but that time all was fine. Shortly after the server went down.

Expected situation:
__To be able to see the grid.

Reproduction Steps
__Everything seems fine now.
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!



Do you also encounter this issue while using another browser?

Have you cleared your browser and Flash cache since this occurred?

Any other users experiencing this issue?