You're trying much too hard. Collective nouns and pronouns are entirely common. and a great many other grammar blogs will inform you regarding their usage.
Who is this "we?" Are you speaking for the entire user community in some official capacity?
You are hoist on your own petard.
Katwijk, Reza is being politely understated. Served straight up, the private consensus is that you present yourself as something more than a player. This is just one instance of your usage of a collective pronoun, mentioned as an instance of a pattern. Overall, you do seem inclined to the "royal plural": sometimes it's you and Inno, sometimes it's you and other players.
Due to the "you and Inno" insinuations, there's speculation and distrust about your presence here. You're sooooo very pro Inno within a forum that is otherwise inclined toward passive tolerance of Inno or outright anti-Inno just doesn't add up.
Due to the "you and other players" representations, there's even more frustration. Your game strategy is unique - and I mean that in the trust sense of the definition. We'd love to admire it from afar...but it doesn't represent the goals / preferences of most players. That's being generous - I can't think of anyone else who measures the success of their game by how few clicks they can make. So, when you offer up opinion after opinion, and simultaneously criticize anyone else who plays differently than you...well, it's a strategy tailor made for alienation. Then when - with your solo mindset in full swing - you use a collective pronoun to direct a comment toward Inno (as if you're just "one of the guys here")'s enough to make a saint swear. BobbyKitty is one of the most tolerant, kind-hearted people around, but she switched into feral mode due to your agitation. I dropped out of the forum for a while just to avoid you - if I didn't take a time out, the moderators would have ended up booting me. In a game where so many of us are trying hard to get Inno to pay attention to genuine issues, your over-abundance of posts - focused on ego-stroking Inno developers - is seen as undermining the majority opinions.
There's no denying that some of your observations are brilliant. Your playing style is challenging - kudos to you. But it's not better. Its very uniqueness, and your unique approach to the game, means that you seldom have authority to use a collective noun - your opinions don't represent the majority of players. And your history of bashing other players means that you don't get to conveniently forget your preference for alienation and blithely sing out, "we the players..."