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    Your Elvenar Team

Broken MA - restarts game on chest collect


My MA is broken...when I go to collect my mystical object, I get a pop-up with a little goblin who tells me there's been an error, and the game restarts. I opened a ticket, and was told to clear cache, uninstall, reinstall the app, which I've done. Then I did cleared cache and uninstalled, then restarted my device, then reinstalled, still broken when I try to collect the chest.

I conveyed all this on my ticket, but no reply yet...wondering if anyone in the community has ever experienced this? Can't possibly be just me. No clue how this issue came about.



Chef - loquacious Old Dog
There's a show on Netflix, I think, "The IT Crowd" I believe it's called. In it the "help desk" has a recording. When somebody calls it starts replaying...."clear your cache, restart your system, call us back if the problem persists....."

Did you do that? ;)



Chef - loquacious Old Dog
I did, as I mentioned :)

Yeah, you did. Sorry for my inattentiveness. I think I wrote that before I had my coffee. You say "device" so I assume it's a phone or tablet rather than a PC. If it's an android make sure you have plenty of memory. Games load in layers and each layer takes a set amount of memory. I you are at the edge you may be running out of memory. In addition, make sure you are connecting, preferably via wifi since cell data is usually slower and less reliable...and costs while wifi is usually free since you are bypassing the cell towers and using the Internet. AND, while I'm at it, if you are using wifi you might just try resetting your network. For technical reasons you can have intermittent problems that only show up when certain data packets are being sent...though this is a long shot.



Active Member
Just started doing it to me, too. This is the first chest I've tried to open since the latest update, so that's where I would lay the blame.