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    Your Elvenar Team

Broken Main Hall?


Bug description: There are two people near me on the map who seem to have broken positions. They both display an upgrade to their Main Hall in progress, but they have been stuck like that for the last 2 days. The positions are likely abandoned now, but it would be nice to be able to polish the city for extra coins (that's broken too). You can select the aid button, but then there is nothing to aid because the Main Hall is stuck in upgrade mode. You can't aid the builder either. Most of the inactive positions allow aiding, but those two seem to remain broken. Also, I hate to think someone might have left the game because their upgrade got stuck.
Browser and version: Chrome
Account Name: Omidawn
World: 2
Human or Elves: Both are elves.
Reproducibility: 5/5
Quest title: N/A
Reproduction Steps: You can look at Melmy and NBACBA on server 2 to see if you see the same thing. There may be others, but those two are within my scouted territory.
Screenshots: None


The workers weren't getting paid, so they packed up their tools. I'm sure you've seen some partially completed projects in the smelly world as well.

It's not just the Main Hall. All of the upgrades work the same way. There's probably a workshop or house that's also under construction.


Katwijk is correct. This is not a bug.

If a player begins an upgrade and logs out of the game, the upgrade will not show complete until that player logs back in.


My opinion: neighbors should still be able to interact via neighborly help, even if the hall under construction cannot receive the helping coins. As it is, the perpetual build "feature" penalizes everyone around the absent player.


Visitors can motivate and/or polish most buildings, but only the owner can change their status.

I don't want to let that particular camel in my tent, because two weeks later some bright developer would decide that REQUIRING visits would be an easy thing to do. I don't want to go there.

As more worlds become available the established worlds won't be seeing as many bump and run cities, so the prognosis is favorable.