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Bug in Survey


Hi, I try to answer the Survey that InnoGame send me and I wasn't able to complete it because theres a bug at the question about the 5 more important things for you in the game. Am I alone in this situation and is there anything that Inno can do about it.



You're by no means alone. Try double clicking on the options, in your preferred order, to select them.

The drag and drop jigsaw puzzle simply doesn't work very well, and especially so on IE at certain screen resolutions. If you have access to a different browser, or are willing to fiddle with your display resolution, you can probably shake it loose.

I didn't have any problems using Chrome at 1920 x 1080.
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You're by no means alone. Try double clicking on the options, in your preferred order, to select them.

The drag and drop jigsaw puzzle simply doesn't work very well, and especially so on IE at certain screen resolutions. If you have access to a different browser, or are willing to fiddle with your display resolution, you can probably shake it loose.

I didn't have any problems using Chrome at 1920 x 1080.
Thx :))