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Help Building up troops


I’m a very active player. Constantly playing. I’m always trying to build up my troops. It seems that I can never get them built up. I believe I have 10/12 armories. They are level 4. I was told it would be best to have them at that level and have that many. If it wasn’t for this carnival event. I wouldn’t be in a double digit number


Oh Wise One
I’m a very active player. Constantly playing. I’m always trying to build up my troops. It seems that I can never get them built up. I believe I have 10/12 armories. They are level 4. I was told it would be best to have them at that level and have that many. If it wasn’t for this carnival event. I wouldn’t be in a double digit number
That is not accurate. You would be better off with a smaller number of higher level armories. Also, what chapter are you in? At the end of the Dwarves Chapter you unlock the Dwarven Bulwark ancient wonder. It will give you a massive increase in training size. Normally it is equal to 2 or 3 high level armories. It will also give you free light melee troops every 3 hours, but the training size increase is the biggest benefit.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Weird. Cause Elvenstats doesn't know you @Latha I tried to look you up to give relevant advice for your other query.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Elvenstats does not start tracking a player until they have at least 1500 points, or unless they are in a fellowship and you force update the member list. So maybe she hit the 1500 mark in between the two of you searching?


Buddy Fan Club member
This is weird. I had tried ElvenStats and had the same problem as @Lelanya; pulled nothing. Clicked on your link @Iyapo1 and it was there. Opened another tab, tried 'latha' again, and again...nothing... Then tried with a capital 'L' Latha and it pulled it just fine.
Can't be the score, three cities, lowest score 13K+
I don't recall ever having it be sensitive to upper/lower case before, though.
I agree with @Henroo you've gotten some bad advice. I looked at your city in Arendyll and you have 16 armories at lvl 4, each at a size of 2x2. Each one gives you a training size of 6, so a total of 96. They take up 64 squares not counting roads. You're in Ch5, so you completed the tech to upgrade as far as lvl 15 in Ch4. The lvl 15 armory is 4x4 and gives you a training size of 40. Even if you sell off all but 4 and upgrade those to lvl 15, your total training size will be 160! Personally, as a primarily combat city, I'd try to get 5-6 of them up to max level and sell off the rest. Even getting 4 of them to max lvl will help with the single biggest thing you need to do at your stage of the game to improve your troop inventory: make your total training queue time longer. Your goal should be getting that total time to where you are training troops 24/7, so you need a long enough time to keep it from running out when you are away from the game. For most players, that is when you're sleeping, so a good total time to aim for is 9-10 hours. You'll be training more troops by not having 'dead time' where you're not training anything.
The second thing I'd recommend is building the Ancient Wonder: Martial Monastery. That improves the health of all your troops, so you will lose fewer units in combat. If you make more troops with my first suggestion and then keep more of them alive with my second one, you should start to see a significant improvement in your troop inventory.

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
@Latha Crafting free troop buildings via the magic Academy crafting menu, buildings like the Valorian Valor and Ground Of The Orc Strategist will give you access to strong. free troops you would otherwise have to wait until later in the game to build. These troops can help you in the early stages of the game.
The room you save from selling some of your armories can be used to place a few of these
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