Is it just me being unlucky or do all special buildings that produce T3 on the side only produce gems? I have seen nothing that produces elixirs save the traveling merchant.
The actual formula they use is a weird thing based on the row of hexes underneath your city, but in practical terms, for ever boost you have, if you move one down the list you'll find your boost+1, when you reach the bottom of a group, it wraps up to the top of the same group. So If your boost (B) is Marble, your boost+1 (B+1) is Steel. If Steel, is your B, the B+1 is Planks, and if Planks is you B, your B+1 is marble.ok thanks, didn't understand the boost +1 thing
You may just have to wait a couple more events, because after getting tier 1 from the Mermaid building and tier 2 from the Gingerbread building, I am pretty sure we will also get a tier 3 building of the same style.
Probably, and here's hoping it doesn't produce in 72 hours either.