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C16 Inspirations


Well-Known Member
Am nearing the end of C16 (a miracle!) and I have no recollection of EVER needing 'Inspirations' to complete any tech box. So, why on earth place the dang bldg and take up room? Does anyone else remember actually needing 'Inspirations' in C16? (...and, caveat: my memory is immensely fallible)

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
If you use portal profits, you do not need to ever make Inspirations because they are only used to make the Statutes, which are made by portal profits. So building and leveling up one Meditation Circle for the quests is all that is needed. There might have been a quest to collect Inspirations also. But for people with not enough portal profits for the chapter, then yes, they need to build several Circles and make a lot of Inspirations.