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    Your Elvenar Team

Cant collect from a house


Bug description: I am not able to collect money or upgrade one of the residencies. When I click on it nothing happens not even a window will pop up. This is only happening with one of them the others are working fine. I have logged out of the games deleted my cookies and temp files. I have not used any other browsers. I have only tested this in Chrome
Browser and version: Chrome Version 41.0.2272.118 m
Account Name: tmes85
World: World 1
Human or Elves: Human
Reproducibility: 5/5
  • 5/5 = happens always
Quest title: N/A


I have accessed your account and attempted to recreate the issue as you explained it. However, I see that all of your current residences are functioning appropriately. Am I correct in assuming that this issue has been resolved?


i got home for lunch and tested on IE 10 and it is working fine there. I will test again when i get back to work.


Alright. This is a fairly common issue, and can normally be fixed by refreshing the page. Failing that, you can use Ctrl+F5 to clear the immediately displayed cached content and request new copies directly from the server. Partial cache clears are not always as accurate as this method as they sometimes fail to include uncategorized cache headers. (This is the same for all manufactory and production "lockups" as well.) I believe this will fix the issue. For now I will set this as "Not a bug" but if it recurs let us know and we can move from there.