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Chest frequency?


Oh Wise One
Is it just me, or have they slightly lowered the frequency of chests appearing? My sample size of two is small, but it took 18 visits in one city and 10 in the other.


Mathematician par Excellence
Is it just me, or have they slightly lowered the frequency of chests appearing? My sample size of two is small, but it took 18 visits in one city and 10 in the other.
I'll add a sample size of 3 in a few minutes

1,3,6 winy
1,2,3 khel
1,3,8 beta
Last edited:


Oh Wise One
Is it just me, or have they slightly lowered the frequency of chests appearing? My sample size of two is small, but it took 18 visits in one city and 10 in the other.

Took me like 7 yesterday, which was slightly longer than usual.


Possibility: I've noticed on occasion while stalking FS cities that it skipped the notification but a chest is there... but if I don't open it, it just respawns within the next few... so it could be that some are happening you never see and they just pop up further down the line.


Active Member
I have noticed that the frequency between them is sometimes longer, particularly if in the 'world', instead of the fellowship. Sometimes, in the world, I can go visit half of all my neighbors, before I get the 3rd one. I have 190 provinces on the nose (finishing Orcs).


I can go visit half of all my neighbors, before I get the 3rd one.
I would bet money it's a load issue, something in the city goes to load when it should pop-up the notification and it does a one second freeze which jumps the notification so the program thinks it did it but you never see it. It happens worse on some browsers than others. I wouldn't encourage anyone to start checking cities that didn't notify you (because that's super annoying) but if you were to check 8 or 10 and find a chest you weren't notified of you would know for sure it was happening sometimes.

EDIT: A sure way to know if this may be happening is if when you help something and the gold floating up stalls a frame... if that happens to be the notification frame... then a chest will be there you were never told about. ;)