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    Your Elvenar Team

city rearraging and alternative building looks


With space at a premium, please give us a way to rearrange our city without having to delete buildings to do it.
A simple short term storage area would make this possible.

With the addition of the primitive orc race making our cities look like slums, I would love to have an alternative look for my buildings so I can still look at my city and be proud of its appearance.


Yes, I love the idea of a storage space. It's fine if they make it limited storage, but being able to perhaps store one or two AWs in order to make room to build different ones, or store some items while you rearrange your city would be so helpful.

I understand if there's a set amount of city space that we all get. Make some buildings un-storeable (like the MH or the Magic Academy, etc), but let at least some of the AWs, manufactories, & culture buildings be put into storage. That way, we're all still working with the same amount of space (keeping it fair), but we get to decide what buildings we like the most. If we can store AWs, perhaps more people will build them as part of quests or even pay for more runes. At this point, space is such a premium in my own city that I don't have any AWs because I only want to build the ones I really, really want. I've got plenty of runes to build other Wonders but don't want to due to space. If I could store an AW, I'd probably build them.

As far as alternative building looks, I think it's important for the Developers to keep in mind that although players play the game to move forward, aesthetics are important to many of us also. It's part of the fun to create a beautiful city & have everything look nice. For example, I'm probably not utilizing my own space as masterfully as I could, because I like the street layout that I've got in my residential area. I'm sacrificing space for what I consider beauty, & I know I'm not the only one who chooses to do that at least in some instances.

In regards to Orcs, I'm not there yet. But it seems to me like it wouldn't be difficult to create some kind of "glamour" spell that people could use on some of their buildings. I know not every "race" is going to be elegant or pretty, and not everyone wants that anyway. But, for those that do care, offering them some way to keep some of the looks that they like will keep them engaged with their city & still playing, and isn't that the goal for Developers?


It's fine if they make it limited storage, but being able to perhaps store one or two AWs
The problem, of course, lies with defining "short term" and how you prevent the extra space from become "permanent."

Do you lose items that you leave in storage for more than a week?? What's to prevent folks from simply leaving stuff in storage, and you'd be right back where we started, with no buffer space.

Retaining a bit free space, somewhere on the fringes of your city, is a far more flexible solution, which already available.


When I say "limited storage", I'm thinking of maybe having 5 slots of storage (or whatever amount), so therefore 5 buildings total can be saved, regardless of building size. If you've already saved 5 buildings/decorations & want to save another, you can't unless you sell a building or rearrange things. I don't mean "limited storage" as in only storing a building for a week or other time frame. Timed storage seems like it would be more difficult to enforce, but I'm no developer so I don't really know.

If someone decides to store an AW & then leaves it there, I don't see a problem with that because if their account is inactive, they may get erased anyway. If they continue to play & want to store a building or two indefinitely, it's not really a big deal unless or until they run out of storage space, and then they have to make the choice as to whether they will sell/delete something in order to store another.

Katwijk's suggestion to just leave space available on an expansion if you want buffer space is true, and I know that some players choose to do this. However, as you get farther into the game & it's harder (and longer) to earn expansions, and as there are more buildings to be placed (so many AWs), then keeping expansion space open is also much more difficult. I rarely see high level players with available space in their city, but I often see low level players with lots of space. I understand there is a balance to be made by the player on not upgrading your city faster than you can keep up with the culture & population that you need to do so, but the Game has introduced so many new buildings (AWs) that it's my opinion that to keep active interest in people wanting to actually build these new buildings, there does need to be a trade off with perhaps allowing some way to at least store something long enough that you can move your city around.

It's not like this, but I played a game on Facebook called Village Life. They had holiday-related quests where you could earn decorations like pumpkins for Halloween. Everyone had a "storage unit" that you could store a certain amount of things in, so if you wanted, you could keep your pumpkins in your village or store them for another time. If I filled up my allotted storage space, I either couldn't store anything else or I had to get rid of something in storage to make room for something new. It was easy to navigate in the game, and allowed for a great variety of "looks" from one village to another, based on what decorations & quests people had earned.


I am fine with any of the storage ideas or even being able to place a building on the fringe of our kingdom while we move things around. To me the easiest would be to have a 3-5 building storage area where we could store anything we want. This allows plenty of space to redesign our cities like we are having to do now with orcs since in their brilliance they changed the directions of buildings, not just the size. The big problem is that since they have made space such an issue for larger players by limiting us so much, we need a way to reorganize without having to delete things.


Even if we could "rent" (coins or goods) an area the size of a typical expansion for a few hours to organize the city, that would help a lot.


I must agree with Kat on this one. Part of the game is a puzzle, the rearrangement part can be a challenge but is a part of the game


Other social media games have storage - practically unlimited, including all the premiums purchased. But Inno has made it clear that they don't intend to implement storage, though. Fun isn't a priority.

Still they're missing out on an income opportunity. (I know, shocking) We'd buy and build more if items could be kept in storage.

In terms of the puzzle aspect...I'd like to be able to play the puzzle repeatedly, with different variations. On a day-to-day basis, Elvenar gets a bit tedious.


I must agree with Kat on this one. Part of the game is a puzzle, the rearrangement part can be a challenge but is a part of the game
You make a good point. It does force me to think outside the box (or square in this case) to squeeze just one more spot when I thought it as impossible :)


I like the idea of having 2-3 different looks for each race buildings. Like human buildings that look like they belong to different time periods and countries even though they are the same level.

Also, the ability to change our building colors would be FANTASTIC!


Ok short term could be just while you are logged in. You have to sort all your buildings and have them back on the map before leaving the game. If you fail to do this everything goes back to the way it was before you started. That is very temporary but really useful and it lets you change roads and buildings without pulling your hair out. The last time I had to rearrange I did it with 2 empty expansions and it took me days of very careful movement. Just because I wanted my workshops in a different place before upgrading. So frustrating. I had the space for the change but no space to do the changing. Had to work hard to get the 2 expansions to have the space. If I could have done it in one day with a temporary storage I would have been really happy. It also lets you see how different arrangements look. Since you have to do it in that one log in session you are not really storing them just holding them temporarily until you can put them down again. Please.:)