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Collecting Coins, Automatically?

Would you approve of collecting coins automatically, without the endless clicking?

  • Total voters



Clicking on the coins to receive your coinage is somewhat tedious. Cannot this be done automatically. It is not like you have the choice of what to produce, as in a manufactory or workshop.

As one progresses in the game, you will have many residences, and new folks have short windows between clicking. Please help all those mice out there that are tired of endless and needless clicking. Please vote yes to automatic coin accumulation.

thank you,


You can drag the mouse over the residences to collect the coins, and that's also the case for supplies and goods.


thank you, but cannot the coinage be done automatically, regardless?


No, because you'll soon max out the storage capacity of your Main Hall, and planning how and when to collect more coins will become important. I don't want to lose that tactical advantage.