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    Your Elvenar Team

Common Chat


A common chat with your discovered neighbors would greatly aid recruiting.


Recruiting neighbors into a fellowship is not a good way to go. It is much better to scroll a ways away and start looking at people's cities. If they look like an active player and do not have a fellowship send them an invite and a brief message explaining the benefits. Try to scroll out in all 4 cardinal directions then the diagonals and then in between. Ideally you get a fellowship that has at least 9 distinct neighborhoods to trade with and the fellowship works as a hub. If you do that then the speed at which goods needed can be traded vastly increases.


Unfortunately without an option to block someone this could be a disaster. Although most people are considerate all it takes is one bad neighbor. If you have a problem with a FS member they can be kicked but neighbors you are stuck with unless you can get moved.


Really that could be a nightmare if you have any rude neighbors.
I prefer recruiting from player list...