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    Your Elvenar Team

completing an area & halloween


Completing an area, I have had some problems when completing an area in the past and it either starting all over or gives nothing. Like I said, this has been a few times in past month, so not immediately.

And for the Halloween event, I have not received a scroll artifact since Halloween event has begun! I get everything else. I have not been able to complete areas as well due to so many other events and happenings, and just always never have enough. This means I cannot scout any new areas either as the prices are so high and I am always spent.

I cannot purchase game tokens or diamonds at this time.



Completing an area, I have had some problems when completing an area in the past and it either starting all over or gives nothing. Like I said, this has been a few times in past month, so not immediately.

We are unsure what you mean by this. If this is still an issue, please let us know what you mean by completing an area? Alternatively, submit an in-game ticket so we can see what is going on with your account. :)