I would bet less than 1/100th of 1% of forum members understand what he is talking about!
Is it at all a paradox of our society, that pretty much 100% of people playing this game or present here, are reliant on such standards and people who do work with them (hopefully but not always competently), as a precondition of playing, or also for lots of other life tasks, including for financial survival or otherwise?
I'm quite literally the only guy in a few county rural area who pressured little fly by night companies no one's likely heard of, like AT&T, Verizon, and Atlantic Broadband, and in turn some smaller dependencies like Sprint, to fix software and hardware screwups that caused billing frauds, failed or degraded interoffice or user connections, and those on SMS, cel voice, POTS/PSTN voice, data modems, etc, including educating some of their engineers or cutting through blow-off idiots they call customer service to reach actual professionals who their business systems shield from being informed of system design and config problems. Given those systems are subject to lots of politics driven regulatory oversight that's badly broken, I'd be willing to write adult literacy and legal competency standards that'd fail for potential elective office or employment anyone not competent to exercise informed oversight of officials. What'd happen then to the illusion of public inclusion, where as least in theory, incompetency is one of few common traits NOT a protected discrimination criterion?
Also of note, what does it mean that EVERY one of those major telecoms has had serious issues in their business and tech systems, and operational designs that obstruct dealing with reported problems? How much of that is due to the disconnect of core functional literacy in systems too complex and massive for most if not all humans to seriously understand common tools beyond a superficial black box level, both among their own employees in that industry, and among customers?
There are a bunch of intelligent people playing Elvenar... and of note, split among those present in forums, operating support or info sharing systems most serious players or FS's use somehow, or boycotting or ignoring forums long or short term, or who are driven away from this game by various staff or other player actions.
Obviously way more than 1 in 10,000 people work with systems defined around the above standards, from Cablelabs, IEEE, Bellcore, ISO, or ITU, and more actually have substantial understandings than likely qualify as Quants in stock scam thefts by HFT or x-exchange ask-bid-cancel latency games (where Haim Bodek as a more public figure deserves a lot of respect for his ideas and as a whistleblower, but everyone in those games belongs in prison), but when a confluence of complex tech that evolves faster than most people relearn complex systems that keep changing, is mixed with secretive trade practices, it's hard work keeping up even with a high IQ and strong technical literacy. WRT Inno, some of their choices I cited above make a lot of sense, but when job ads talk about "working with bright people", 98th percentile is entry level for some of that work, not abnormal or outstanding. We may be a minority, but I'm far from the only one here who'd find it interesting to see that small cluster of staff be allowed to put an occasional moment into discussing how they contribute to keeping complex game tech operating.