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Connection issues


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
Or time for some people to complain to their ISP, or switch to another one, if they can, because the vast majority of players are having no problems at all, on PC or mobile. Or it may be time for some people to upgrade equipment.
It’s Elvenar’s servers bc I can watch YouTube videos, go on social media, and do anything else on the web just fine killing time while waiting for 5 reloads of stream errors trying to complete one Spire encounter. When the data servers went down, I was the only one in my FS that could get in, but I didn’t go around doubting everyone suddenly coming on discord to complain they can’t connect just bc I could get on...let alone tell them maybe they should invest in better isp or equipment :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
We get told.... " remember this is a browser game try clearing cache/cookies"

When players :
1- reset thier modem/router - router's con to thier ISP is refreshed.
2- reset thier connection to thier router - thier con to thier router is refreshed.
3- clear cache/cookies ( ie- thier history )

then try again to log in and as soon as the game world loads, if it does
without a "Server Error" , they click ANYTHING and then get a "Stream Error".
its ..... not..... the players's equipment..... its Inno's.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
then try again to log in and as soon as the game world loads, if it does
without a "Server Error" , they click ANYTHING and then get a "Stream Error".
its ..... not..... the players's equipment..... its Inno's.

A Steam Error is specifically caused by your device getting out of sync with the server you are trying to play on, almost always caused by lag. That lag is usually the fault of your ISP or your router/modem, or even your browser, but it could happen anywhere in the path between you and the server.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
It’s Elvenar’s servers bc I can watch YouTube videos, go on social media, and do anything else on the web just fine killing time while waiting for 5 reloads of stream errors trying to complete one Spire encounter. When the data servers went down, I was the only one in my FS that could get in, but I didn’t go around doubting everyone suddenly coming on discord to complain they can’t connect just bc I could get on...let alone tell them maybe they should invest in better isp or equipment :rolleyes:

Since you are protesting my comment, I see that means you must support his crackpot theory that Innogames must have been hacked, because that is the only explanation that he can't play the game.


Well-Known Member
A Steam Error is specifically caused by your device getting out of sync with the server you are trying to play on, almost always caused by lag. That lag is usually the fault of your ISP or your router/modem, or even your browser, but it could happen anywhere in the path between you and the server.
anywhere in the path , ehhhh .... so all those things u listed about my equip, also applies to Inno's equip.
If the servers lagg to me, things still get outta sync ...

So when immediately as others have said , I try another site, and no lag issues ..
then usually its the site in question's lagg issues, thuss InnoGames's servers.

Guurt The Destroyer

Well-Known Member
On Monday I posted in the bug section about a stream out of sink issue I was having.

Other parts of the internet were working fine. But the game was losing connection, sometimes during battles, which was annoying.

But once I restarted my computer and cleared my browser cache as advised the problem did in fact go away.

I am not saying that doing this will clear anyone else's connection problems, but only that it did in fact solve my problem.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I can say that when we are not talking about Stream Errors, sometimes only one or two servers will be having some problem or other. And it is very rare, at least to me, that Arendyll is affected when it is one of those situations. I think in my 5+ years of playing, maybe twice Arendyll had an issue that was not also happening on all the rest of the US servers too. And a lot of times various foreign sets of servers will have issues that the US servers don't get at all. And very rarely the US servers will be down and the rest of the world is fine.


A Steam Error is specifically caused by your device getting out of sync with the server you are trying to play on, almost always caused by lag. That lag is usually the fault of your ISP or your router/modem, or even your browser, but it could happen anywhere in the path between you and the server.

Inno has a history of reckless coding and dishonesty with players, that confuses error reports we get. Some staff or management eras have been worse than others, but episodic dishonesty by policy and practice takes a long time to overcome. The always fake "Context 3D" errors at least haven't been prevalent lately, while the former CM here who ran incomplete fraudulent player contests is long since gone.

Some Stream Errors are likely net issues. Others are clearly Inno's way of pushing code updates, whether a diamond whales promo, a code version or subversion, or files for some event. That, and delivery of Spire or Tourney rewards, could be coded far better, and while the new update banner warnings are a nice addition, could be improved as has been discussed elsewhere here.

But, this is a MMOG-VRPG, not a LARP, never mind a 3D-VR one. One player I helped tweak router parameters (via RDC) was playing on a daisy chain of 802.11b rural ISP with horrible connection archaic hardware upstream. I had more errors and reload needs when I've used an older cel modem after hurricanes or when a drunk tore out the pedestal for my DOCSIS cable trunk to UG drop, and Covid staffing issues made the repairs take 4 service truck rolls. It's not like we're pushing for fast monitor latency over color calibration accuracy as some games do.

I'm running a Cat7 plus a 3x3 MIMO dual band WiFi plus an isolated AV media set of LAN segments, on a DOCSIS 3.1 connection segment running QAM256/512 8/9 bit Codewords but only 27/3 bonded carriers. Anyone who says I should reset that when it's a big lie is incompetent; I usually teach cable techs about their own industry when they do need to fix real problems, but those are rare. CDN elements of Artfiles server systems plus Inno's auth servers and Hadoop DFS mixed with dynamic global net routing are far more likely real issues, that are hard to track down except for major failures. The lower right of browser screen connection quality warning has evolved a bit with game versions, but that usually means there's some issue, that may be Inno contracted data distribution, or a user's systems, or third party elements in between. It generally doesn't mean any competently configured modem or user router (and I make sure to own my own equipment, as I don't want gouging rental fees, nor legal questions about who's entitled to admin or MSO access, plus favor separate devices for upgrade and security reasons; but unlike most people online, I'm an engineer with netadmin skills and underlying standards and standards development backgrounds; most people could not use a telephone if they had to do actual line or merely FS0 porting configs) is relevant to most game instability issues. Oh, and I also think in terms of complex nested dependencies, of tech systems, theory and practice standards, and related elements of socioeconomic systems, regulatory law, etc. As if not obvious?

It's hard to map out cloud systems behind DDOS front ends, even if you're an admin for a company like Cloudflare. My sense is that Inno/Artfiles systems are more complex now than when US worlds and subdomains were mostly on Volico CoLo physical and net space outside Miami, only linked to Hamburg for limited auth functions. I'd guess most Inno staff have at best a fuzzy idea of exactly what those systems are, though it'd be interesting to see more info on them both in forums, or a video topic not produced so far.


I would bet less than 1/100th of 1% of forum members understand what he is talking about!
Is it at all a paradox of our society, that pretty much 100% of people playing this game or present here, are reliant on such standards and people who do work with them (hopefully but not always competently), as a precondition of playing, or also for lots of other life tasks, including for financial survival or otherwise?

I'm quite literally the only guy in a few county rural area who pressured little fly by night companies no one's likely heard of, like AT&T, Verizon, and Atlantic Broadband, and in turn some smaller dependencies like Sprint, to fix software and hardware screwups that caused billing frauds, failed or degraded interoffice or user connections, and those on SMS, cel voice, POTS/PSTN voice, data modems, etc, including educating some of their engineers or cutting through blow-off idiots they call customer service to reach actual professionals who their business systems shield from being informed of system design and config problems. Given those systems are subject to lots of politics driven regulatory oversight that's badly broken, I'd be willing to write adult literacy and legal competency standards that'd fail for potential elective office or employment anyone not competent to exercise informed oversight of officials. What'd happen then to the illusion of public inclusion, where as least in theory, incompetency is one of few common traits NOT a protected discrimination criterion?

Also of note, what does it mean that EVERY one of those major telecoms has had serious issues in their business and tech systems, and operational designs that obstruct dealing with reported problems? How much of that is due to the disconnect of core functional literacy in systems too complex and massive for most if not all humans to seriously understand common tools beyond a superficial black box level, both among their own employees in that industry, and among customers?

There are a bunch of intelligent people playing Elvenar... and of note, split among those present in forums, operating support or info sharing systems most serious players or FS's use somehow, or boycotting or ignoring forums long or short term, or who are driven away from this game by various staff or other player actions.

Obviously way more than 1 in 10,000 people work with systems defined around the above standards, from Cablelabs, IEEE, Bellcore, ISO, or ITU, and more actually have substantial understandings than likely qualify as Quants in stock scam thefts by HFT or x-exchange ask-bid-cancel latency games (where Haim Bodek as a more public figure deserves a lot of respect for his ideas and as a whistleblower, but everyone in those games belongs in prison), but when a confluence of complex tech that evolves faster than most people relearn complex systems that keep changing, is mixed with secretive trade practices, it's hard work keeping up even with a high IQ and strong technical literacy. WRT Inno, some of their choices I cited above make a lot of sense, but when job ads talk about "working with bright people", 98th percentile is entry level for some of that work, not abnormal or outstanding. We may be a minority, but I'm far from the only one here who'd find it interesting to see that small cluster of staff be allowed to put an occasional moment into discussing how they contribute to keeping complex game tech operating.


lololololololo, hahahahahahahahahahahaha :D:D:D:D
and ppl say I make thier brain hurt , nice post @fckm
Mine too some weeks. ;-)

But really, the most recent of those cited standards without which many would not connect here was published Sept 10, 2015 (had to look that up).

Isn't that long enough to read and study applied functions of a standard that amounts to more intense detail than some humans falsely think they adequately completed for a lifetime in college and grad school, but where anyone honest knows by now how the Chinese curse of our information era makes half of all info new every 4 years these days?

(Admittedly, ETSI didn't publish " Symbol Mapping to QAM Constellations" until 2018, while CISCO just got around to "Load Balancing for DOCSIS 3.0 and DOCSIS 3.1 QAM constellations Converged Broadband Routers Layer 2" under 3 months ago, relevant to consumer fraud I'm trying to find functional ways to challenge by a multinational telecom I'm stuck dealing with, where their own tech staffs likely aren't up to date either. Many of them are barely dealing with the takeover of Trilithic by ViaVi.)

That doesn't even touch on how Inno uses parts of the Apache project, which has a cultural mythos of no Gates, no Windows.


New Member
I'm rural and usually have a very reliable connection but last night and today it's been hellish. I realize this is an older thread but to a degree it was helpful, what I understood. The rest was somewhat muddy. I sent it to a tech friend of mine who assures me it's clear to techs. I guess that helps. Other comments missed a very important one.

Clear as mud.



Well-Known Member
It’s Elvenar’s servers bc I can watch YouTube videos, go on social media, and do anything else on the web just fine killing time while waiting for 5 reloads of stream errors trying to complete one Spire encounter. When the data servers went down, I was the only one in my FS that could get in, but I didn’t go around doubting everyone suddenly coming on discord to complain they can’t connect just bc I could get on...let alone tell them maybe they should invest in better isp or equipment :rolleyes:
Same here, this happes quiet often, first I get this message;
Screenshot (6).png

Followed by this one;
Screenshot (5).png

I've had it worse during batteles, the game recovers the fight after a restart but sometimes you get this message:
'you abandoned your troops and they weren't seen again'
Last night, this cost me 5 squads of unused priests before the battle even started! I don't remember the exact size, but they were quiet large size squads!
I experience this once in awhile, loosing fights and troops for no reason.
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Oh Wise One
It would probably be better if you reported this to the bug forum. Follow all the steps required for posting.
But first, restart your computer, clear your cache, and all that other good stuff and see if it helps.
I include that info because you do not say what device you are playing on.