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    Your Elvenar Team

Console Me

Ok, so I'm not perfect, but I try to help out where I can. I'm in no way in charge of anything but I try to help out. Particularly I like to address new player's questions in the chat box. Recently, I had an experience and I wonder if I did wrong somehow. So tell me in the comments if you think I did something I shouldn't have or if I'm completely in-line by what happened.

So here's the scenario. I'm sitting in my city and a newer player with a young city starts up in the chat box. Her concern is that she can't take the large trades everyone else seems to post. So I suggested something along the lines of, "Don't worry about the big trades if you can't take them. Just post for what you need and everyone else will take them when we see them." Another member of the fellowship also commented that he tries to take trades from small cities when he sees them. However, the conversation doesn't stop there.

She comes back to the chat box to say that her concern isn't about accepting the big trades but that no small trades are available for her when she needs them. So I said something along the lines of, "Bigger cities try to take the smaller trades when we see them so just post everything you need."

She responded to this by saying something along the lines of "Why can't everyone post smaller trades and help me like a FS is supposed to do?"

Well, not being in charge I didn't want to give direction or make an affirmative group change so I simply responded with, "I don't know. You'll have to talk to the archmange about it." At this point in the conversation things were getting above my paygrade and I was done with it.

She responds with something along the lines of, "Why should I have to ask the archmage? I want the whole fellowship to help the way a fellowship should. Isn't that what we are supposed to do?" At which point she decided not to discuss it any further and left the fellowship.

Now, tell me, do you think I just caused a whole bunch of trouble? It bothers me to think that she left on my account. Do you think she got all hot and bothered by my interference in the matter? Or was she frustrated at the game? Or was she just not willing to be a team player and work things out? I'm quite bothered by what happened. I just wanted to help. What do you think about what happened?


I understand why you are bothered by this...you have a soft heart. I understand why this other player was frustrated...she has needs that are not being met, and expects others to meet her needs because she has them. I have played with players like her before, and they tend to fly from fellowship to fellowship causing little episodes of drama and discourse...and sometimes not so little ones...then leave when they don't get their needs met, to go settle elsewhere, lather, rinse, and repeat. Or they stomp off and quit the game altogether. I don't like to say things like "you shouldn't let this bother you", because it's not my place to tell others how they should feel, but for myself, I TRY not to let things like this bother me. But they still do, so I try to get over it as fast as possible lol :p

Good luck to you!


Now, tell me, do you think I just caused a whole bunch of trouble?

You didn't cause any trouble, the Drama Llama did.

It bothers me to think that she left on my account.

She didn't leave on your account, she left on hers. No one was willing to fill it. ;)

Or was she just not willing to be a team player and work things out?
Clearly not a team player.

I'm quite bothered by what happened. I just wanted to help. What do you think about what happened?

I don't blame you for being upset, that's understandable. You and another Fellow offered suggestions, which was the proper thing to do. It's not your fault she refused to listen.


Buddy Fan Club member
I agree with Aramina. I've dealt with this, too. I was tempted at one point to say 'let me go find a tin foil hat and see if I can pick up the signals for which goods you might need posted in what amounts along with asking for the proper goods in amounts you have to trade with...' But, I didn't... I did explain the concept in a nicer way, but some folks just aren't hearing/reading it, they're just stuck in their own mindsets. Must be real gems irl
Oh, and I'm a mage and the most active in teaching/helping newer members, so I can speak for leadership when I'm talking. Still, there are some people...

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
Try not to beat yourself up about this stargatehorizon, you tried to give some good advice, but it sounds like she didn't want to hear what you were saying. It happens! Some players just don't play well with others. Don't stop giving advice to new players, as most will listen and do really appreciate the help and guidance.


Mathematician par Excellence
As others said, you did nothing wrong.
An additional explanation you can give next time is that if the big players post small trade, then they just get gobbled up by players outside the FS thinking they are helping.
The best way to do trades is as you explained; small players post trades for what they need, and big players check/clear the trader was often as possible.

You can get a little more complicated if you want and add things like trades ending in "01" are "no rush" trades just put up for balancing.
For example If I have 500,000 silk, 200,000 crystal, and 800,000 scrolls, I'll post some 50,001 scrolls for 50,001 crystal trades. The "01" lets my FS know that I don't actually care about the trades so they shouldn't worry about helping me by taking them. At the same time if I see any FS trade with the normal "00" at the end I 'll take it regardless of what it is since I have a large stockpile of everything and can balance myself out later.


Oh Wise One
I agree with most of what has already been said
The convo as you explain it was fine
The only thing I would add is in a similar situation suggest the person post needs in chat
"I need someone to post 100 Steel for 100 Plank to complete a task"
But really, in this instance the advice to just post the trades they need is the correct way to go

There is something else you can do to boost new cities
When someone is just starting they may be only harvesting 100 ( steel ) in 3 hours
So what you can do is ask them how much ( steel ) they have on hand.
let's say they have 200
Tell them to post a trade of 200 steel for 800 plank
you take that trade then have them post 800 plank for 3200 marble
Do a couple rounds like that until they have a couple thousand of each good.
For somebody who is still in T2 of research, 2000 can be a lot of (planks)

But again
This person sounds like the stereotypical needy drama queen most experienced players have dealt with a few times
don't let it bother you


Oh Wise One
My answer would be along the lines of "because so many people are trying to help smaller players, any small trades that get posted are picked up pretty quickly, so it's not really practical to keep them listed. It's rare for any small trades to last in my window more than half an hour, whether it's someone in my FS or not. If I post small trades (and I do) they disappear quickly."

When the dailies for small amounts came up, I posted as many offers as it would allow of the form "111", "222", "333" etc up to "44,444" for both of the opposing goods, and none of them lasted a day.


Oh Wise One
I find people who make drama like that don't understand how the game works. Some are willing to listen and take direction and others aren't, if your lucky those ones quit.

If they are willing to listen there are some good points to explain (some of which are above)
  • Neighbours take small trades so even if you did post them they might never see them, they need to post their needs
  • Timon has often said on the videos and Q&A's that more people need to post trades
  • By regularly posting trades they will ensure they always have the goods they need when they need them
There is often an underlying problem for people in this situation which I think many miss (even those trying to help) and that is that their production of goods is not sufficient for their town. When a person has a good production they are generating a lot of goods, usually boosted, and are continually having to offload those to balance up. I have never seen a person with good production complain about a lack of trades. This is where the listening part is so important as if they won't listen you haven't got a hope of trying to explain that perhaps some slight tweaks in their town will solve all their problems.


Thanks everyone! It helps a lot and you all make me feel so much better!

I’m really new to the game, REALLY new. So new that I don’t even understand most of the trade convo. Lol But one thing I do know is like any game things take time to build and level etc. I thought you were really nice and very helpful and considerate trying to help a new player. Pat yourself on the back for it, don’t beat yourself up. It’s not you.