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Crystal Lighthouse question


The Wiki says, Crystal Lighthouse "...Increases Neighborly Help Rewards - It will give you a certain amount of random goods when you return help to your fellows and discovered neighbors."

If the use of "return" is accurate, then the rewards will only be given to us when we visit neighbors who have 1) discovered me and 2) participate with NH.

Thus, I may have discovered 125 neighbors and visit them daily, but I'm only going to get the Lighthouse bonus from the 5 active players who occasionally visit me.

So...is this a Wiki error, or is this what players are experiencing?


Our tests indicate that the benefit is BOOSTED Goods, in addition to the Coins, regardless of your neighbors/fellows activity level.

Read as a general comment the language is fine, but for those of us who are aware that Supplies are only offered when you're "returning" a visit within 23 hours there's an unnecessary element of confusion, so the wording needs to be clarified.