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Cultural buildings level indicator


At the moment when we visit someone else's city to give them a helping hand, if we scroll over their buildings we will be given an indication of what level their residents, workshops and various goods buildings are at.
However if we scroll over their cultural buildings it just names it or after clicking on the linked hands, it just tells us that for 8hrs it will double the cultural benefit.
This is fine if you are an Elf visiting an Elf city as you know from looking at your own buildings section which ones give the MOST benefit if you polish them. (Same with Human visiting Human of course)
But if you are an Elf visiting a Human (like me) you have no idea which of their buildings are best to polish to give the most benefit.
It is not too hard to work out the first couple ...like the floating book but once there are many to choose from and some of them are even diamond bought buildings then you have no idea.

If I am going to take the time to visit my neighbours and give them a helping hand then I would appreciate being able to polish the the most effective building therefore I think it would be a great idea to have an indicator of what level a building is at as you first scroll over it...Flying Boat 1, Spot of Whispering Trees 2, Mysterious Cyclone 3 etc......
The higher the number the more benefit it gives :rolleyes::)


I have the same issue. I am always wondering which cultural building is the best to polish. I think this would help a lot. Great idea!


Yeah, I know the feeling, still - never hurts to check out the wiki and list of buildings and see the amount of culture they gives, etc and to see if it's possible to polish.


You'd have to scroll down and see the culture buildings list - chart full of information for elves' and human's culture buildings.

Hope it helps, though. :D

- Jarreth


Sure, we could get a user manual and consult it every time we want to assist our neighbors. Of course the best way to get people to want to use your product is to make the product as user friendly as possible. I think it's a lot more helpful to just show the amount of cultural benefit being give when you hover over a structure just like it shows in our own cities. The suggestion of the wiki is ok as a temporary measure, but it really should be changed so that navigating to another website and doing research is not needed.