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Please help, I do not understand.
I have 5 holy codex, 4 blue flower, 4 glorious statue.
My available culture is 152.
Culture was 151 so I bought another statue. Culture only came up 1 point to 152.

Holy codex + 110 culture which should be 550 culture available.
Blue flower is 67 culture which should be 268 culture available.
Glorious statue is 21 culture which should be 64 culture available.
This comes to 882 culture available.

I understand that as I grow I will need more culture, but, does not the culture items I have count at all.
So I grow and these items no longer count?
I am new here and do not understand.



Culture available is total culture created minus culture consumed /used ie: 882 minus 731 = 151, but i can't follow your math , 3 x 21 = 63, 4 x 21 = 84 not 64
check your math, but first refresh the browser, since calcs do not always show results until you refresh. Second i doubt you added anything that required culture, you do not say, so it looks like a math error.


Pardon, I wrote the wrong number. Yes, it should be 84. This makes the total 902.

How did you come by minus 731.

So as I grow my culture items no longer work?


As you grow, you build/upgrade things. Sometimes, it uses culture. For example, I upgraded a workshop from a level 4 to a level 5, and that used 21 culture.


Culture is needed for upgrades and new builds, each has a requirement which is then subtracted from your Available culture. I believe there are charts for all requirements in the wiki so you can count them but it is beyond my wherewithal to do that i just watch it.


I am not sure that this is really a bug report, but rather a question thread.

You build culture buildings in order to build/upgrade additional buildings in your city. It works in the same way as population does, you build and upgrade residences to build and upgrade other buildings. As you build and upgrade, it will deduct from your "available" culture/population as the build has required that amount to be used.

So, say you have 882 "available" culture, but an upgrade requires 2 culture to upgrade, your new "available" culture will be 880 as the building used that two culture to upgrade. **Wishful thinking!** ;)